Please show me where I said people outside America are not people, and please explain how saying this isn't racist as all hell.
"I've yet to meet a black American I don't like. They're normal, you can talk to them without having to explain everything, they actually get irony.
White Americans are something else entirely, there's a lot of decent ones, but some are like something from another planet, no sense of irony whatsoever, far right religious nutjobs with an overinflated sense of their own importance."
Just because you used the word American does not mean it's not racist Izzy. The same applies with you assuming "You're probably doing the job you're capable of, I suspect your black colleagues could do better." Izzythepush. You didn't even bother using the American word there, you just assume my BLACK colleagues can do better on no bases other than you know they are black.
Racism is assuming something on the basis of color which you are doing.
Do you understand how hypocritical you are? I never said anything about race, but you say these things and call others racist. I'm not going to sit here and call you names but I will say you might want to do some self -reflection and REALLY think hard about what you are saying before accusing ANYONE of being racist.