The Day Ferguson Cops Were Caught in a Bloody Lie

Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 07:46 am
revelette2 wrote:
He must have been poorly trained, or in the heat of the moment, threw it out the window to shoot someone six times. Either a bad shot, or an awful lot of rage.

Some police officers are mediocre shots.

revelette2 wrote:
I don't see why he had to resort to shooting an unarmed man in the first place, but if he did, I don't see why he had to shoot him six times. I do not see how that would be defensive.

Easy. All it would require is the attack not stopping until the sixth shot.
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 07:46 am
Moment-in-Time wrote:
Have you heard about this newly discovered phone/cell which recorded 10 shots with a pause after the first few when Brown stopped running,turned around and the shots resumed. This means Brown was murdered in cold blood.

Let's leave the logical conclusions to those of us who are willing to use logic.
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 08:05 am
Let's leave the logical conclusions to those of us who are willing to use logic.

Which wouldn't be you if you think it takes six shots including two in the head to subdue a person.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 08:46 am

...Oralloy is a very, very sick person...

...and attempts to reason with him is tantamount to trying to teach quantum mechanics to a ferret.

Come to think of it...you'd probably have MORE success in teaching quantum mechanics to a ferret than reasoning with Oralloy.

Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 08:50 am
revelette2 wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Let's leave the logical conclusions to those of us who are willing to use logic.

Which wouldn't be you if you think it takes six shots including two in the head to subdue a person.

Yes it would.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 09:18 am
@Frank Apisa,
...Oralloy is a very, very sick person...

People are not sick for disagreeing with you Frank. You are the sick one for even thinking that.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 09:25 am
coldjoint wrote:

...Oralloy is a very, very sick person...

People are not sick for disagreeing with you Frank. You are the sick one for even thinking that.

I am not saying that Oralloy is a very, very sick person because he is disagreeing with me, cj...and I think you know that.

I am asserting he is a very, very sick person, because I have been reading what he writes...and the crap he writes is about as sick as anything else I've ever read.

But I thank you for getting involved here, because I hold your mental health suspect also...and posting what you just did sorta reinforces my thoughts in that regard.
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 09:40 am
coldjoint wrote:
People are not sick for disagreeing with you Frank. You are the sick one for even thinking that.

There is one thing that should always be remembered about Frank Apisa. Every single thing that he says is, without exception, always an outright lie.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 09:49 am
@Frank Apisa,
I don't see this as a matter of mental health (that's easy for anyone to claim). I see it as a matter of the divides and on which sides our worldviews are cast on.

I hope the cop is brought up on charges but will have to wait for the investigation and grand jury. I cannot, believe that people can get a "pass" for such an outwardly heinous and (as I consider) COWARDLY act.
Also, I feel that deadly force training is severely lacking here.
The first thing this cop did was , apparently, grab his gun and open fire in a fit of what appears to me, mere panic.

The entire situation was handled in diisgrceful disrespectful and unprofessional fashion. I really don't care what the levels of provocation were. The cop had back-up close by. He had a lapel radio. He had the advantage of several less lethal tricks up his sleeve. He went for a gun and assasinated this kid. The mere bullet count speaks volumes, and if the "give em all a pass" folks herein are so purposely blind to the basic reality, well, theres that worldview divide.

We aint SOmalia, or are we?

Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 10:14 am
I appreciate what you are saying, FM...but in my opinion, Oralloy is a very, very sick individual nonetheless. Read his comments here in this thread...and the ones in the threads about the Trayvon Martin's death. They are beyond "sick."

In his last post, though, Oralloy did mention:

There is one thing that should always be remembered about Frank Apisa. Every single thing that he says is, without exception, always an outright lie.

So, I think it appropriate to mention that most people here in A2K, including you perhaps, think he is the epitome of good mental health...and a regular purveyor of solid, reasoned opinions.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 10:19 am
farmerman wrote:
I hope the cop is brought up on charges but will have to wait for the investigation and grand jury.

Since we do not yet know what happened, it is not very nice to wish someone to be charged with a crime.

farmerman wrote:
I cannot, believe that people can get a "pass" for such an outwardly heinous and (as I consider) COWARDLY act.

Since we do not yet know what happened, there is no basis for thinking that a heinous act was committed.

It seems pretty unlikely that the act will turn out to be cowardly.

farmerman wrote:
Also, I feel that deadly force training is severely lacking here.
The first thing this cop did was grab his gun and open fire in a fit of what appears to me, mere panic.

If shooting is justified, that is the proper course of action.

farmerman wrote:
The entire situation was handled in disgraceful disrespectful fashion.

How so?

farmerman wrote:
I really don't care what the levels of provocation were.

Caring about facts aids in reaching accurate conclusions.

farmerman wrote:
The cop had back-up close by. He had a lapel radio.

Not really relevant to the question of whether shooting was justified.

farmerman wrote:
He had the advantage of several less lethal tricks up his sleeve.

It is unreasonable to expect cops to use such tactics after the Rodney King case.

farmerman wrote:
He went for a gun and assassinated this kid.

Don't be silly. Self defense is hardly assassination.

It remains to be seen if the shooting was justified or not, but to call it an assassination is just plain silly.

farmerman wrote:
The mere bullet count speaks volumes,

Yes. It shows that he used proper shooting technique.

His aim appears to have been poor however. All those bullets were meant to pass through the heart and then the spine.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 10:22 am
We aint SOmalia, or are we?

A good part of Minnesota is.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 12:10 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I am asserting he is a very, very sick person, because I have been reading what he writes

I agree with you 100%, Frank Apisa. I am well acquainted with the poster, Oralloy aka Uzi, from the now defunct Yahoo message boards. The Yahoo boards hosted a broad array of interesting topics, varied subject matter, and people from across the globe participating. I was on the Israeli/Palestinian board and so was Uzi, and Oliver5 for over 10 years. The pro-Zionist posters simply adored Oralloy for he represented the quality in Israeli defenders they wanted most, that of someone who would slander and disparage unmercifully, those who criticized Israel; he, needless to say, rose to the occasion and was detested by anti-Israeli posters. Many of us tried to place Oralloy on ignore, but he found a way to defeat that by changing his handle for every post; he wanted to shove his opinions down our throats, that's how determined he was that we read what he had to say, which in my opinion wasn't worth crap.

There were times, initially, when first meeting Oralloy/Uzi (the Clinton board) where he seemed rational and even intelligent, never posting anything that would turn me against him, and as a result of that, I posted to him regularly, never realizing until much later that he was not really being himself.

There is a freaky abnormal side to this poster that is distinctly upside down. We've all seen how he savagely trashed the mother of Amanda Kercher whose daughter was brutally murdered. Then he cursed anyone with an opposing opinion of Amanda Knox, the promiscuous sex-driven druggie.

Then to top it off to display his hatred for Italy, he conceived of and advocated grinding new born Italian babies into food for dogs to eat. That did it for me! His views and politics are from an alternate universe. This poster, Oralloy, is so emotionally disturbing to my mind, that I keep him on PERMANENT IGNORE!

In many ways Orally's mind is seriously screwed up.
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 02:26 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
I was on the Israeli/Palestinian board and so was Uzi, and Oliver5 for over 10 years.

Your rendition of facts is horrendous.

I was only active on the I/P board roughly around the year 2000. You had apparently been there before me and already left. I doubt you returned, as you'd clearly burned all your bridges. There's just something about sadistic anti-Semitic ranting that always seems to turn off Jews.

If Olivier was ever on the I/P board, it was not in 2000 while I was active there. I first met Olivier in a small out of the way corner of Yahoo that you likely never saw, a quiet little section devoted to interfaith discussions. I forget the year, but maybe somewhere around 2007? I stayed for a brief conversation with him and then moved on.

I do check in at the alternate I/P site that was set up when the Yahoo boards imploded. In fact just last night I just had a brief spat with you and Olivier's pet white supremacist there (he apparently objects to Canada buying US fighter jets).

If you and Olivier fail to recruit any of the local retards here to play Igor to your Dr. Frankenstein, let me know and I'll see if I can get Hammer to come on over here to fill in his old role for you guys.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
The pro-Zionist posters simply adored Oralloy for he represented the quality in Israeli defenders they wanted most, that of someone who would slander and disparage unmercifully, those who criticized Israel;

In other words, I stuck to the facts and told the truth, just as I always do.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
he, needless to say, rose to the occasion and was detested by anti-Israeli posters.

You evil scumbags do seem to always object to us good guys.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Many of us tried to place Oralloy on ignore, but he found a way to defeat that by changing his handle for every post; he wanted to shove his opinions down our throats, that's how determined he was that we read what he had to say, which in my opinion wasn't worth crap.

Again your rendition of facts is horrendous. What is it with you evil scumbags that you always lie?

I told you guys quite clearly that I would respect your right to put me on ignore unless you tried to use bogus abuse reports to silence my condemnation of Italy's atrocity. And if such an attempt were made, then I would deprive you of said ignore ability.

You scumbags should have known that I never bluff.

At one point though I did get tired of setting up a new Yahoo account for every single post, and you could have regained the ability to put me on ignore. However, I clearly told you guys that I'd resume if you started being a jerk about putting me on ignore instead of just doing it quietly, and once again you guys learned the hard way that I don't bluff.

(I had more than 10,000 Yahoo accounts by the end.)

Moment-in-Time wrote:
There were times, initially, when first meeting Oralloy/Uzi (the Clinton board) where he seemed rational and even intelligent, never posting anything that would turn me against him, and as a result of that, I posted to him regularly, never realizing until much later that he was not really being himself.

I am always myself. I posted the truth then, and I post the truth now.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
There is a freaky abnormal side to this poster that is distinctly upside down.

Says the clown who can't point out a single fact that I'm wrong about.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
We've all seen how he savagely trashed the mother of Amanda Kercher whose daughter was brutally murdered.

I merely condemned the Kercher scumbags for the atrocities that they are actually guilty of committing.

If you had any ethics or morality, you'd understand why us good guys always insist on doing the right thing.

Unfortunately anyone who is depraved enough to support Palestinian vermin, is too depraved to understand ethics and morality.

I thought of all your cruelty and hatefulness when I watched those apartment towers dropping in Gaza a couple days ago. Sometimes it is nice watching the bad guys get what they deserve.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Then he cursed anyone with an opposing opinion of Amanda Knox, the promiscuous sex-driven druggie.

Now enough with your incessant lying.

The only promiscuous sex-driven druggie here is Meredith Kercher. She is the one who got herself killed whoring for drugs.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
In many ways Orally's mind is seriously screwed up.

Says the clown who can't point out a single fact that I'm wrong about.
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 02:51 pm
Well Done.http://www.acidpulse.net/images/smilies/cheer.gif
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 04:19 pm

It is unreasonable to expect cops to use such tactics after the Rodney King case.
That's insane. This cop was probably 6 years old when the King event occurred.

I like your "feigned" interest in solid evidence when all along you and pinkey n some others have been giving this cop a verbal pass. Face it, you aren't interested in justice at all.

Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 05:17 pm
You said 'notice only the mom is home'. But it's a cartoon that only shows a doorway, a kid and a mother's voice. Every inference you drew from that come from your own mind.

Besides, did you know there are three million more white kids in single parent families than there are black kids in single parent families?

Roll on you big ball of irrational prejudices.
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 05:20 pm
Anatomy of a Fox smear

Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 08:29 pm
MIT. I am immune to such people as Oralboy and CJ and the other posters who regularly change their names thinking their fooling someone. They are only fooling themselves.
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2014 09:04 pm
farmerman wrote:
I like your "feigned" interest in solid evidence

Nothing is feigned. My determination to rely only on solid evidence has served me very well over the years.

It is the key to my ability to reliably withstand major attacks from all quarters and be the only one still standing when the dust settles.

farmerman wrote:
when all along you and pinkey n some others have been giving this cop a verbal pass.

I am unsure what you are referring to as "giving him a pass".

The parts where I say "let's wait and see what all the facts are before we start drawing conclusions"?

Or the parts where I take a completely untrue claim (such as the number of shots supposedly being "excessive") and point out that the claim is completely untrue?

farmerman wrote:
Face it, you aren't interested in justice at all.

No thank you. I think I'll pass on facing untrue claims about myself.

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