Just kidding

For those that joined in last few days - it's reference to one older topic...
But I would like to ask you something. Of course, nobody of you is responsible neither for abusing of prisoners nor for convictions. I am asking you only due to fact that USA obviusly has terrible double standards when it comes for International War Crimes Tribunal and in external affairs, so I would really like to hear your honest opinion...
So, I have three questions and will be glad if you could answer them.
1. First american soldier responsible for torturing prisoners is sentenced for one year in jail and is expelled from army. Do you think sentence is fair?
2. If it's possible to imagine situation I would like honest answer would you feel the same (especially if your answer on first questions is "Yes") if you would hear that someone else (Iraq, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Peru, New Zealand, anyone...) sentenced their soldier for exactly same crime to exactly same sentence
3. probably most important - What do you think (your personal opinion of course), how would USA govt. reacted if some other country would do exactly the same thing?