Wed 9 Jul, 2014 06:53 am
Hi everyone i have been dating my widower psrtner for over 2 years now he has two girls who have now flown the nest, they have s lot of family issues in which they choose not to resolve, anyway its coming to his wife 7th year anniverssry of her death and i just feel like i dont know pushed away, i dont mind him mourning her they had been togrther for over 28 years thats a very long time but would like to be included!!! I know uour all saying tell him but is it my place really, i also find he taljs about her as in present text but noticing it more now. He says he wants yo move his lifee forward he has brought tge pictures diwn, redecorated new beddung fir the bed he has took all the initial steps but still pushing me awsy each year what do i do??
What family issues have not been resolved yet?
After 7 years, things like that can hold up the grieving process.
He may have to go to grief counseling/group meetings. I went and there were people who lost their spouses 7, 12 and even 30 years ago - and they had never grieved properly!
I can only say, give him space to grieve as long as it takes since everything else seems to show his attempts to remove things that reminds him of her.
He seems to be trying, and he deserves that space.
Quote:Augusta asked: i also find he taljs about her as in present text l steps....pushing me awsy each year what do i do?
Stop playing second fiddle to his dead wife and dump him!
Find yourself a man who'll make you his number one..

(I used to go out with a woman who couldn't stop saying how she still loved her ex-hub even though he'd run off with another woman, so I soon gave her the boot)