Anybody hear of the
Tighty Whitey Rural and Traditional Music Ensemble yet?
Of all things my 14-year old daughter brought home Metallica's Master of Puppets from the library, so I'm listening to it now. Honestly, I don't particularly like it, never liked Hetfield's voice and the guitar work is just too harsh for me. I think if you are about three years younger than me (you'd be 38), then this would be your Aerosmith/AC/DC/Nugent.
I wish Jaraxle and Santana would come back and argue more. They made me laugh.
Yep, Santana was fast becoming one of my favorite A2Kers. She's a feisty thing.
I thought it was a dude with a ponytail.
That's what you get for thinking, Child.
Hmm, my run-ins with you never end well for my self-esteem.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Hey, we're buddies!
Well now that you put it that way. This weekend me and my lady friend will be using your treehouse, cool? Also I will need the go cart and access to your pool. Glad we are buddies.
You can use the treehouse again, Child, but no more condoms hanging from the branches!
That was disgusting! I had to have the fire department come over and blast the unsightly objects out of the tree with their fire hoses.
(I told them that they were small, trapped kittens)
Sorry buddy, hopefully this weekend she won't be all hung up on "protection".
Jarlaxle Jaraxle here.

Jesus Christ I forgot an L, forgive me. Maybe we should string me up and hang me from a tree the way you're talking.
That's not nice at all JarLaxle.
dude, just to let you know. i am not a dude with a pony tail. and i am a feisty thing, thank you gus. iv just been busy, what with school out, and me at my brothers house, (he's 33) who doesnt have aol.....and babysitting. i would like to argue some more.
come would be fun. i mean...i guess you wouldnt be awake yet...what time is it here?....10:14 AM. iv been up since 6 man. ya'll are sleepin ur life away. ( oh my god im talking like my dad)
Hey, no arguing from me. I guess those other guys are working or something. Why is school out so early?
Two reasons why school is out so early.
No snow days in the south.
To pass 5th grade you only have to correctly spell "y'all".
and.... there's your fight, satanta!
cjhsa wrote:
To pass 5th grade you only have to correctly spell "y'all".

I live in the Southernmost part of The South...and that make me laugh.
But hmm, I've always spelled it "ya'll".