Tue 10 Jun, 2014 01:01 am
So I've been seeing this guy for about 3 weeks now and I have no idea if were dating or just "hanging out" We go out about 2 times every week but we don't do anything special we just go to the park and talk and walk around, we went to the mall, and to a festival once. He holds my hand and we kiss and stuff and but he never texts me beside asking when I'm free next or asking me to hang out on the day he texts me. I have meet his friends and he talks about the future with me in it sometimes, But we never actually go on "dates" anywhere like to the movies or anything and he never texts me in between going out sometimes I go three days without hearing for him, but he has told me he hates texting. I'm just trying not to get to emotionally invested in a relationship that's going nowhere but I really like him and I feel like its to soon to straight out ask him.
You're a hanger-outer with benefits, it seems. Must be nice for him to get kisses and hand-holding from you without having to hold up any ends of this so-called relationship. He doesn't have to ask you out, doesn't have to take you anywhere, doesn't have to spend any money, and doesn't have to introduce you to anyone he knows.
Why the hell should he bother to actually ask you out or text you or make any effort whatsoever?