First and foremost I am sorry that you are going through this, and I hope the scar over your heart heals. With that being said allow me to shed some personal light as I am currently going through this. Although I'm not married, I happen to be the "other man" in my particular situation. From my situation the main reason why she is cheating on her husband with me is because her husband has become complacent in their marriage. Because she is proactive in her life and he isn't it seems that she is always doing activities by herself and not with her husband.
Because she is older than him, he tends to make comments about her age and so, she feels old, whereas with me commenting on how attractive, young and youthful she looks she gets that emotional stimulation of being complimented on. Her sex life is also not that great as well which she has told me about, not extensively but she insinuates that its simply not that great. What I get from our situation is that her husband has become complacent and when he is active and invites her along it is usually what he wants to do and even those activities (according to her) have become redundant.
So I guess overall to give you an idea as to why she decided to cheat on him was: Complacency, Redundancy, and Lack of Motivation. Although I have since decide to remove myself out of the equation I did suggest to her that she either needed to repair her relationship, or leave.