Was Elliot Rodger's recent attack an attack on women?

Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2014 11:34 am
That's a very chilling photo.
Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2014 12:03 pm
It's a puzzling world.

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Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2014 12:19 pm
I'm not a huge conspiracy theory fan..... but some of this is interesting.

That's why I wondered do you remember this. Was there such panic and chaos in the investigation?.

Sorry Feministo's but he takes a swipe at you too. Smile
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Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2014 12:38 pm


Well that rules out one theory, that Saville made the tape.

All in all I couldn't be sure, need more info. I'm sure of one thing but, Saville was a sick perverted psychopath.
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Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2014 01:19 pm
Was Elliot Rodger's recent attack an attack on women?
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Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2014 02:06 pm
Not really....Like I told one member here, I'm not trying to make allies here because I know what kind of environment I'm dealing with. When BillRM started generalising blacks and Hawkeye used the word "nigger" THERE WAS NOBODY SAYING **** TO THEM. I call two white females a bitch I'm the misogynyst.

I'm not apologizing for **** until the hypocrisy stops.
Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2014 02:21 pm
Most people are sick and tired of BillRM and Hawkeye, and if they don't actually have them on ignore they pay little attention to what they say.

I don't doubt they said what they did, but I didn't see it. They're both a bunch of ******* idiots, and they've been challenged by loads of people on A2K a lot of times. Just because most people don't respond to what they say doesn't mean they agree with them, it's because talking the them is a waste of time. And that's from someone who's wasted far too much time on them. If a new poster started using racist language I'm sure they'd be picked up.

I wasn't having a go at you for calling a woman a bitch, it was for calling her a whore.

Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2014 03:23 pm
I've read a bit about Savile due to Rolf Harris. I think he's a piece of....... shite and I can not believe a Hospital gave him keys to their premises for all those years.
Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2014 03:32 pm
What frustrates me is not the racist comments I've read here, but the silence from forum members and if I react I'm supposed to accept that "that is how they are." How can any society improve itself if members are to accept disruptive behavior? That's like someone who is white on an all black forum getting chastised for being white. Where are the people to defend that person and to chastise those that are making racist comments? I challenge you to go on yahoo or other websites and read the comments especially when its an article about someone black or about an inner city shooting.

The Internet World is totally different than the real World. Having said that, pertaining to this particular Forum, I engage real conversation outside of here with a few, have met in person one and can clearly see as most people here can, the few trolls that live here as they would/do on Yahoo. Those are the ones that more than likely in the real World don't even speak their mind. Here, in the Internet World they hide behind a Computer and become who ever it is that they deeply feel they want to be in the Real World..

I understand that you would prefer people to back you in certain situations, Izzy stated he never read those comments, I can claim the same, I never read those comments. So there would be others that never read those comments. BUT, in addition, I think for the most part this Forum is mixed with people that are intelligent enough to want to wait it out to see for "real" what a person is like here, who they really are as best as they can and then at that point in time, they will make the management decision whether to allow them into their World or not.

After all it's the Internet World, not real life here. If you get to know anyone in real life, you take your time . No difference here, so what you portray from the beginning establishes whether or not any respect is given.

I'm betting if they didn't have vote up or down buttons here and they had troll buttons/clueless buttons/idiot buttons/ and worse, some of the trolls would be so angry at seeing those pressed that their anger levels would get even higher Smile

I have to agree with Izzy and you said it in your first paragraph "Perhaps it is juevenile on your part" .. Sticks and stones and all that.

You don't call someone a whore, wish them dead.

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Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2014 03:40 pm
What Savile did exceeded Rolf Harris by a factor of 100. Savile was never loved, he was always a bit weird, but very much in with the rich and famous. Rolf Harris was loved, and like me, you probably feel as if a bit of your childhood has been taken away.
Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2014 04:04 pm
Rolf Harris was loved, and like me, you probably feel as if a bit of your childhood has been taken away.


Strange though, Rolf Harris was self absorbed, he was loved, but he admitted that he gave very, very, little back in that love, to his family...

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Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2014 04:25 pm
It is depressing but also eye opening, if these creatures were operating back then, why should it be any different now.

What a monster, necrophiliac. The likes of Saville have always preyed on humanity. The real demons.

Not bad as conspiracy theories go. But.....
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Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2014 04:57 pm
I didn't know about Cyril Smith.

Anyhow sorry for invading your thread with this stuff of nightmares Butterymilk, forgive me, I'll leave it at that.

Let you all get back to your Feministo Manifesto
Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2014 06:14 pm
There's more to come, the late Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens presented a dossier of alleged powerful establishment figure paedophiles to the then home secretary Leon Britten. This dossier has gone missing, Britten has subsequently been charged with rape. After months of prevaricating, David Cameron has finally accepted the need for a public enquiry, but the person he appointed as chair, Lady Butler Sloss, has had to resign, because she's too much of an establishment figure herself.
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Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2014 10:00 pm
Well, I've never used the N-word and if a member uses such language I immediately place them on ignore. But the self absorbed Buttermilk feels free to pepper his rants with the B-word, and used it for more than only 2 women. Why does he think anyone wants to play in his sandbox? His rants are also full of F you's directed at 5 women, claims he's drunk, then changes that to mean something so obscure that only stupid dolts would consider to be in the realm of truthyness.

Buttermilk needs to grow up.
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Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2014 02:38 am
I don't see Buttermilk criticizing nononono when he posts this about me--which is really worse than being called a whore or bitch and right up there with the "N" word' --you might have to click the post open, it's collapsed with an NSFW tag

The sort of gender-related crap being directed at the female posters by Buttermilk/nononono is plain disgusting, and it is misogyny which is a form of prejudice, and I'm not responding to posts either of them make right now, in any thread. I'm not sure that being called a whore is really worse than being called a bitch, because of the way he was throwing around bitch along with his profanity in his rant in the other thread. It was verbal abuse of female A2K members . Glitterbag even tried to tally the score.

Buttermilk complains that no one spoke up in the Donald Sterling thread when BillRM and Hawkeye were making clearly biased statements and overgeneralized negative comments about blacks. That's very ironic because I did speak up, loud and clear, repeatedly, and Buttermilk acknowledged that I was the only one to do that.
But what bothers me more than this are whites who claim to have no issues with race, but remain silent when the likes of BILLRM or HAWKEYE make racial generalizations that are not only unfair, unsupported, but inherently racist. As of recent, firefly is the only white person (forgive me if I misappropriate the wrong ethnicity to you) that is speaking out against this nonsense.

I do speak up about bigotry whenever I encounter it--regardless of what group it's being directed at. I said this in the Sterling thread in one response to Hawkeye:
Prejudice/bigotry is ugly, and ignorant, and it has ramifications that have a real impact on the everyday lives of those who are its targets, and ultimately on the lives of all of us. It's not innocuous speech that should just be ignored, or even worse, accepted, as legitimate opinion. It's based on over-generalized thinking and negative stereotyping, neither of which can lead to accurate perceptions or judgments. And you and BillRM both engage in that type of thinking as well, quite often, although BillRM is generally more egregious in that regard than you are.

Buttermilk seems to maintain two sets of standards, because, while bigotry toward blacks offends him, he has no difficulty, at all, voicing quite bigoted attitudes toward feminists as an entire group, and negatively stereotyping an extremely large and highly diverse group, based on the fact he disagrees with two feminists he learned about in a Women's Studies course. While he can see the bias and overgeneralized thinking when BillRM, who doesn't like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, holds them up as representing all blacks, or black opinions, or all black leaders, Buttermilk then turns around and does the exact same thing regarding feminists--he uses a few examples to justify his own prejudiced attitudes toward an entire group. And while he denies misogyny, or the need to talk about it, just as one would talk about any other prejudice, he turns around and blasts an entire group of female posters in a display of his own misogyny--with a little racism and ageism thrown in.

If he is at all concerned about bigotry, at the very least he should stop hypocritically displaying it himself.

If he wants some respect from other posters he should start by giving it first. I don't care whether he's even more offensive when drunk--in vino veritas.

Most people are sick and tired of BillRM and Hawkeye, and if they don't actually have them on ignore they pay little attention to what they say.

I don't doubt they said what they did, but I didn't see it. They're both a bunch of ******* idiots, and they've been challenged by loads of people on A2K a lot of times. Just because most people don't respond to what they say doesn't mean they agree with them, it's because talking the them is a waste of time.

Several posters in that Donald Sterling thread told him that as well, osso in particular, and I sent him a PM and told him that as well.

BillRM and Hawkeye, and Romeo as well, have been expressing the same things for years. Other posters are tired of addressing it, or even reading what they say. I do continue to confront Hawkeye and BillRM on their bigotry because I can challenge the thinking behind their attitudes. I just gave up on Romeo after a while, because he mainly does it with offensive photos regarding blacks, so I never respond to him any more, because I know he'll never change, and I doubt that anyone needs Romeo's bigotry pointed out.

But, despite being told why people might not be speaking out about biased comments, by BillRM and Hawkeye, some time ago, Buttermilk prefers to keep that chip on his shoulder and continue complaining about white folks here condoning that bigotry by their silence. Well, he's wrong about the conclusions he's drawing about that, and I say that as one who does speak up, but he's often wrong in the conclusions he draws, and that's his problem when he tries to stereotype diverse groups of people--including women and feminists and white folks.

Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2014 03:22 am
You're a darling Firefly, he called you a whore, die bitch and you are as usual, using logic and explanations and not throwing a hissy fit, or calling names back.

One reason why I love you.

****, not literally Smile

We all know FS and what she is like.

It must be extremely difficult feeling so lost in this World that it's hard to function that it's hard to communicate as you "expect" and in that, you start studying perhaps things to give you an edge only to look like a dick.

Did I say that?

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Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2014 05:36 am
Pamela Rosa is a prime example, I just vote her threads down, I don't bother reading them.

When we challenge BillRM, because he's so stupid he thinks he can talk his way out of something but he just confirms what we've been saying about him.
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Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2014 09:00 am
quotes from firefly a page or two ago -

If he wants some respect from other posters he should start by giving it first. I don't care whether he's even more offensive when drunk--in vino veritas.

Most people are sick and tired of BillRM and Hawkeye, and if they don't actually have them on ignore they pay little attention to what they say.

Several posters in that Donald Sterling thread told him that as well, osso in particular, and I sent him a PM and told him that as well.

If I remember correctly (I'm not going to reread all that on my Sterling thread), the several posters who told Buttermilk about the way a2k works re ignoring and the ignore button were women. This was all now quite a while ago.

Just recently on some thread, perhaps this one, izzythepush and Finn d'Abuzz said the same thing. Maybe he'll listen to them.
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2014 06:24 pm
I doubt he'll listen, osso.

I think he prefers feeling aggrieved. It provides him with a license to feel justified in expressing his own contempt, and bigotry, and, in expressing it, he demonstrates he really isn't any different than those people--like BillRM, or Hawkeye, or Romeo--who he wants to see verbally pilloried by others at A2K. The reasoning behind his own biases is as faulty as theirs, his perspective is as narrow-minded as theirs, his contentions and conclusions just as questionable as theirs, and he is just as offensive, if not even more offensive, than they are, and he is just as ignorant as they are.

Whether people want to react/respond to what another poster says, or even whether they want to participate in a thread, is their own business, not his, and no one should have to explain their non-participation to him or anyone else. People chose not to respond to, or even read, other people's posts for all sorts of reasons--ranging from simple lack of interest, to active dislike of the poster, or dislike of engaging him/her in unsatisfying/unpleasant interchanges that generally get nowhere.

In real life, we generally avoid people we find offensive, or irritating, or dull, when possible, and here we either use an ignore function or simply skip over posts, or entire topics, for much the same reason. If Buttermilk chooses not to do that, he should examine his own motives and agenda, not question or judge the motives or attitudes of those who are simply choosing not to engage. No one here is under any obligation to satisfy his, or anyone else's, need for attention.

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