Mon 26 May, 2014 09:36 am
It's the day when the GOP legislators that block and shoot down legislation to help and care for our veterans stand in front of many flags wearing their flag pins to talk about how they honor them. I would like to see a Marine or two kick the living sh#t out of them on National TV.
Better yet I would like to see all the Teapublicans who have been blocking any legislation that would help someone who makes less than $250,000 a year kicked out of congress. Dream on rabel, never happen.
Our beloved Republican senator just pissed off a bunch of veterans groups because they wouldn't politicize the VA situation. I would love to see some of these quotes in Fayetteville and Jacksonville during Burr's reelection campaign.
Rather meager echo chamber here.
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Rather meager echo chamber here.
Nothing constructive to add as usual
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Rather meager echo chamber here.
Are you complaining that Americans don't care about the men and women who come back with devastating injuries, or are you supporting members of Congress who don't believe there is a country we shouldn't be in, in which case money is no object, but believe disabled soldiers should just shut up and bask in the glory of the injuries they suffered on behalf of those who don't care to enlist?
glitter, he;s just being a dick in general. He can't help himself
For us it's Whitsuntide. It's when we all weird out.
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
glitter, he;s just being a dick in general. He can't help himself
Yeah, and he's a big ass cry baby to boot.
Go away. Only adults allowed here not 12 year olds.