Last Thursday House Republicans cut funding to the military--a first, I know, as the GOP generally feels that any money to the military, the Pentagon and National Security is untouchable--except apparently when it involves anything that even considers 'climate change.'
Quote:Sea level rise impacting naval bases. Climate change altering natural disaster response. Drought influenced by climate change in the Middle East and Africa leading to conflicts over food and water — as in, for instance, Syria.
The military understands the realities of climate change and the negative impacts of heavy dependence on fossil fuels.
The U.S. House does not.
With a mostly party-line vote on Thursday, the House of Representatives passed an amendment sponsored by Rep. David McKinley (R-WV) that seeks to prevent the Department of Defense from using funding to address the national security impacts of climate change.
House Votes To Deny Climate Science And Ties Pentagon’s Hands On Climate Change
Perhaps the Words of Walt Kelly's Pogo best describe the actions of the GOP house of representatives.
Quote:We have met the enemy and he is us.