Myth of man-made global warming

Wed 3 Dec, 2014 06:52 am
We're entering a second Little Ice Age, and anybody who thinks that solar panels or windmills are going to protect his goofy ass from that **** is in for a very rude and cold awakening.

Yes, I know, I am aware of this for more of 10 years now.

But, alas, a lot of people are in deep deep denial anout this all. Hence the shock will be huge to many!
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Wed 3 Dec, 2014 08:27 am

So, imagine if you were at that table, and the scenario I just described happened to you.

Too bad no such document exists. Global warming is happening and the data shows it is. In spite of all of gunga and Q's bleating they have yet to present a single piece of actual scientific data. Rather they link to opinion pieces that misuse data.

It's funny how the link you posted cherry picks data to try to create an impression that isn't true.
Let's compare the chart from your link

with the chart of all the data

The data can be found here:

It seems the only way you can make anyone believe what you believe is by lying to them and hiding data from them.
Wed 3 Dec, 2014 01:13 pm
just watch the movies. lots of what you are very confused about will clear up.

But I won't respond to you too much anymore, I have put you on ignore (again)

You only repeat the offical (mainstream) party line without any form of consciousness or critical thinking.
Wed 3 Dec, 2014 03:09 pm
Why watch movies when I can look at ACTUAL DATA? Why don't you spend the time to look at the actual data instead of wasting your time watching movies?
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Tue 9 Dec, 2014 03:35 am
I noticed that some UN agency just told the world that we should cut fossil fuel use to zero by 2050

It was a good source of humor.
Tue 9 Dec, 2014 03:49 am
I noticed that some UN agency just told the world that we should cut fossil fuel use to zero by 2050

It was a good source of humor.

2050 eh??? That is precisely the end of the time lime for the trojan Horse Agenda 21, Also from the psychopathic institute U.N.!
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Sat 13 Dec, 2014 03:23 am
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Mon 15 Dec, 2014 01:11 am
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Tue 16 Dec, 2014 03:55 am
well, well, well

What Is Big Oil Doing At The Lima Climate Talks?
The COP20, sponsored by the United Nations and transnational corporations, has the biggest carbon footprint ever.

LIMA – You would think that the Lima Climate Talks would be discussions among scientists and policy makers, that they would be candid conversations about how to improve energy usage and significantly reduce environmental pollution.

Well, that will have to be left for another climate talk, or perhaps another era in human history.

Even though Big Oil is one of the most significant polluters worldwide – ask Exxon and BP – representatives from the most powerful energy companies are and have been at every environmental gathering since Rio 1992.

You are probably asking yourself what in the world are representatives from the most dangerous industry in the world, one that rivals geo-engineering and GMO polluters, at the Climate Talks in Peru.

Is it even possible to negotiate ways to have a cleaner planet when the polluters, those who only seek profit for their shareholders and themselves are at the negotiating table?

For starters, these guys are not there to negotiate, but to take care of their interests.

Oil is, and will be the main source of energy for industries the globe over for a while, but these guys should not be able to participate in discussing how to have a cleaner planet.

They are not interested in a cleaner planet. If they were, they would have not caused so much damage to the environment as they have done. If they were really interested in a cleaner planet, they would be investing as much money as they pile up to oppose the emergence of new technologies and real environmental campaigns – not fake global warming alarmism.

Now, it is important to understand why they are there.

The reason is, they finance the fake environmental movement. That’s right. Those people asking for a significant cut in CO2 emissions and who blame humans for global warming are in bed with BP, Shell, Exxon and Chevron, among others. Environmentalism is a big business, and it is funded and directed by the heads of industry who control the most important monopolies.

“Official lore from the environmental movement’s publications asserts that the movement emerged from the grass roots. The truth, however, is that funding and policy lines comes from the most prestigious institutions of the Eastern Liberal Establishment, centered around the New York Council on Foreign Relations, and including the Trilateral commission, the Aspen Institute, and a host of private family foundations.” report Rogelio A. Maduro and Ralf Schauerhammer in chapter 10 of their book The Holes in the Ozone Scare: The Scientific Evidence That the Sky Isn’t Falling.

Surprised? Don’t be! That is the nature of corporate monopoly and bureaucracy.

But there is more. According to the authors, the current environmentalist movement, to which millions of people subscribe simply because they do not know what else to do, has very clear intentions for the present and the future of the western world. Unfortunately, those intentions are not the best for humanity. “This network of foundations created environmentalism, moving it from a radical fringe movement into a mass movement to support the institutionalization of antiscience, no-growth policies at all levels of government and public life. As prescribed in the Council on Foreign Relations 1980s Project book series, environmentalism has been used against America’s economy, against such targets as high-technology agriculture and the nuclear power industry. This movement is fundamentally a green pagan religion in its outlook.”

As people at the Climate Talks in Lima and previous events sponsored by the United Nations have seen, the motto used by the corporate-led environmentalist movement – “saving the Earth” – while disguising itself as “non- for profits” that seek to represent the “public interest”, is all a sham, indeed.

Each and every environmental coalition is made up of thousands of little environmental groups, which are directly or indirectly financed by monies from the UN or big corporations. How would they manage to grab billions of dollars a year in funding if it wasn’t for the large contributions from corporate interests?

Take for example the Global Tomorrow Coalition, which is composed by over 100 environmental and population-control groups. None of these groups have a budget that is lower than 3 million dollars a year.

Research compiled by Maduro and Schauerhammer, shows that as far back as the 1980s, 35 foundations were responsible for heavily investing and literally financing the operations of two powerful so-called environmental groups: The Environmental Defense Fund and the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Back in the early 1990s, available public sources showed that the total revenues of the environmentalist movement were more than $8.5 billion per year. How much do you think their budget is today?

Put simply, the environmental movement is owned by a club of billionaires and their tax-free foundations, who, through their financial contributions, control the Environmental Movement to a point where even government agencies seem unable to do their job independently.

In the summer of 2014, a report released by the Senate Environment and Public Works committee, confirmed the notion that establishment organizations such as the WWF and to a great extent Greenpeace, EarthJustice, the US National Wildlife Federation, the Nature’s Conservancy, the Sierra Club Foundation and the Union of Concerned Scientists received almost 8 billion dollars from these groups.

While skeptics of the environmentalist movement are labeled as puppets of “big oil”, those who are indeed controlled by the oil industry, the UN and tax-exempted foundations owned by a few global corporate leaders fill their pockets with tons of cash. The baseless accusations pinned on anyone who opposes the anthropogenic warming hoax is nothing more than a projection of their own greed.

While climate alarmists appeal to the large dumbed-down masses so they demand change from their political leaders, the environmentalists are getting paid off to push the fake “save the Earth” agenda movement whose only goal is to limit development, keep people poor in third world nations and to drastically reduce populations.

As Chris Williams, from Climate & Capitalism puts it, the current wave of fake environmentalists are just a group of great tacticians and great strategists. They are great with ” the science and art of using a fighting force to the best advantage”, while conducting a large-scale campaign against the very same masses of people who they have recruited to put pressure on political leaders so they pass legislation that favours large transnational corporations.

If you did not understand it before, now you know why ‘big oil’ and other dominant corporations are at the ‘negotiating table’ in Lima, Peru. Every single document signed in past climate meetings had the seal of approval of those corporations. If it did not, it would have not been accepted. They own the environmentalist movement. No decisions that favors the planet will be made until these people are kicked out the room and that is never going to happen unless environmental organizations, especially the larger ones, stop accepting funds from corporate donors and philanthropic tax-free foundations.

Wed 14 Jan, 2015 12:16 am
NASA Scientist Predicts Food Riots, Mass Deaths And Super Earthquakes Beginning 2015 Due To Extreme Cold 30 Yr Period.(Unbelievable Video)

If you think the last few days of record setting snow and cold in Parts of upstate New york is just a freak event, than your not going to like what I am about to tell you. According To NASA Scientist/Climatologist John Casey that is just the beginning of what is to come during this next 30 yr cycle of Extreme cold which will be caused by a historic decline in the Suns energy output that will impact the entire world.

If Casey Is right, than not only will a mass number of the worlds people die by freezing and starving to death due to the extreme cold killing 50 percent of the worlds food supply, but you can also expect Super earthquakes, and more powerful volcanic eruptions across the globe.

Former NASA consultant, climatologist John L. Casey: ‘a radical shift in global climate is underway, 30-year cold spell will strike Earth



Don't say the temperature of the earth has anything to do with the suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun, no way!!!! Wink Smile Smile Smile

Man o man what a mad world this is.
Wed 14 Jan, 2015 12:24 am
That date does not work for me. Make it 2050.
Wed 14 Jan, 2015 12:33 am
why the accent on the date?

Btw 2050 is the year Agenda 21 (by U.N.) must be ready!
Agenda 21 is pushed because of the hoax global warming!
Yeaaaah , put us in micro houses (jail!), megacities, empty the rural areas and so on and so forth!
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jan, 2015 05:09 am
Put simply, the environmental movement is owned by a club of billionaires and their tax-free foundations, who, through their financial contributions, control the Environmental Movement to a point where even government agencies seem unable to do their job independently.

No ****......

I mean, in the United States in particular, when something cannot be followed logically, you follow the money. Al Gore was going to become a billionaire with that Chicago carbon exchange.
Wed 14 Jan, 2015 05:13 am
Top Definition: Fat piece of **** (1)

0 Replies
Wed 14 Jan, 2015 05:13 am
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Wed 14 Jan, 2015 06:20 am
Put simply, the environmental movement is owned

Yep, Exactly what I wrote earlier, here:

0 Replies
Wed 14 Jan, 2015 06:23 am
I mean, in the United States in particular, when something cannot be followed logically, you follow the money. Al Gore was going to become a billionaire with that Chicago carbon exchange

Yes, and have you seen his house?! Lots of 'caring for the mileu" -> NOT!!!

But there are so many people still blind to this, it is unbelievable!
0 Replies
Thu 15 Jan, 2015 01:34 pm
Bullshit as usual, quahog. Gore;s family has been rich for several generations, and the rich get nice houses, so what? Fifteen years ago, before there was anything much green to invest in, Al Gore, as a good capitalist, told EVERYONE that investments in mitigating climate change would in coming years be good inveswtments. He put his money where his mouth is, and set up and invested in some companies, and, you know what, the case for climate change has just gotten more and more ironclad since, and now it looks like Gore was prescient, and he's gotten richer. Why didn't you pay attention to him 15 years ago, quahog? You cdould be richer now too. But no, you'd rather deny, deny, deny. Die a pauper, no one will care.

And here's another nail in the coffin for the denialists, from NOAA, their latest update for 2014:

The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for the year-to-date (January–November) was 0.68°C (1.22°F) above the 20th century average of 14.0°C (57.2°F), the warmest such period on record.

So the deniast claim that temps haven't gone up since 1997, is once again revealed as a total crock.
Fri 16 Jan, 2015 01:54 pm
So, why should I believe lies? Put another way, why are you so sure they don't lie?

Al Gore is one of the biggest public lyers ever!!!!

When does he lie? When that psychopath opens his mouth!

He is always involved in some sor of scam!

Come'on mate! Wake up to the real world!
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jan, 2015 10:13 pm
quahog says:
Come'on mate! Wake up to the real world!

I have been awake to the real world for years, "mate", thank you very much. Which is precisely why it is clear to me that you haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. As usual.

that whole post is one long ad hominem. Your history of posts says that if someone resorts to ad hominems it means they have no case and no evidence. Which means, by your own admission, you have no case against Al Gore. Sorry, boyo. You're outed.

And, as it happens, the real world has once again proved you're full of ****, and it has vindicated Gore. I should have waited a couple days to post the Jan.-Nov. 2014 record, because now NOAA has come out with the whole-year record, and guess what, 2014 IS THE WARMEST YEAR ON RECORD, AND WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF AN EL NINO, which kicked up the temps in the Pacific a bit in the previous record years Which means that contrary to the contrarians (like you), 1998, whgich you guys have claimed (falsely) for years as the warmest year, with declining temps since, is now in 4th place, behind 2014, 20010, and 2005. And the ten warmest years on record have all been since 1998.

NASA< NOAA, every major scientific organization in the world, Harvard, MIT, and the hundreds of scientists whose research is summarized in the IPCC assessments, and thousands of research studies in the dozens of scientific fields that have some bearing on climate, all agree that climate change is real, And the macro evidence points in one direction only. Oceanic, surface, and satellite observations all say temps are going up, icecaps and glaciers are melting, growing zones and species ranges are moving northward and up to higher altitudes, the oceans are warming and acidifying, and greenhouse gases are reaching levels not seen in the last 700,000 years.. The Arctic Ocean's ice cap is melting, which causes warming of the ocean's waters, which dirupts the Jet Stream which contains cold arctic air from coming southward, which means it hits the US, which means we get the cold-ass northern temps way down south here, and the list goes on and on and on....

No, Quahog, I'm fully awake and in touch with the real world. It's time YOU woke up and got in touch with the reqal world, instead of mindlessly denying it.

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