Yeah, the whole series of coastal acts in Congress in the 1980s were projects of the development lobbies, and there really was no opposition lobby. Developers, of course, get their money out quickly, so it'll be no skin off their noses if the sea level rises.
Like you, i do not know, of course, if CO2 levels are leading or a following indicator of climate change. That climate change is happening is a no-brainer, and is not historically unusual. However, the thing down in Antarctica has alarmed me as i've looked into it because this has been under watch for more than 30 years.
The alarming part is that the retreat of the glacier to which the ice sheet is attached has been accelerated, and this is an unexpected event according to the glaciologists who have been studying it for almost two generations. I just heard a good piece on this on DW radio (German public radio) this morning--but i was not quite awake yet, so i didn't catch the name of the glaciologist they interviewed.
Fortunately, we live upon the bluff. We're OK until they hit that 200 meter sea level rise.