Reparations To American Blacks... Yes/No?

Romeo Fabulini
Reply Thu 29 May, 2014 10:37 am
Foofie said to me: You are making the above statement as an American? I thought you lived on an island nation of past glories, but present problems.

I'm British and at least Britain hasn't got a black president thank God!.
And the patriotic UKIP party has just trashed the useless incompetent big 3 Brit parties in the elections, so the future's very bright for Britain.
I voted UKIP myself..Smile

"UKIP has stormed to victory in the European elections, performing powerfully across the UK. It now has MEPs in Scotland, Wales and every region of England. It is the first time since the general election of 1906 that a party other than Labour or the Conservatives has topped a national election"
Reply Thu 29 May, 2014 10:54 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

Foofie said to me: You are making the above statement as an American? I thought you lived on an island nation of past glories, but present problems.

I'm British and at least Britain hasn't got a black president thank God!.
And the patriotic UKIP party has just trashed the useless incompetent big 3 Brit parties in the elections, so the future's very bright for Britain.
I voted UKIP myself..Smile

"UKIP has stormed to victory in the European elections, performing powerfully across the UK. It now has MEPs in Scotland, Wales and every region of England. It is the first time since the general election of 1906 that a party other than Labour or the Conservatives has topped a national election"

Please preach to the choir (i.e. a fellow Brit or European). I am across the pond in a very big country with its own politics. Enjoy.

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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Thu 29 May, 2014 01:39 pm
Yank politics are a two-horse race (Reps and Dems), both of which are dull as dishwater.
America badly needs a new firebrand party like Britain's UKIP, or at least some firebrand politicians.
Sarah Palin was the only one who impressed me in recent years, but she was stabbed in the back and edged out by the male-dominated US political establishment, and even the women of America let her down to their shame.
Let's hope she re-enters the political arena, she'd make a great tough-talking no-nonsense President..Smile

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Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 08:59 am
I just finished reading Ta-Nehisi Coates's article in The Atlantic. He makes a convincing case for the argument that blacks have been discriminated against in the US. I would think, however, that that's fairly noncontroversial. I suppose if someone were uncertain that blacks have faced discrimination in this country, reading Coates's article would provide some useful information. But Coates doesn't make the leap from the premise that blacks have suffered discrimination to the conclusion that blacks are entitled to reparations. It's not that Coates fails to make the argument that reparations are justified, it's that he doesn't even realize he needs to make that argument. Yet there's quite a gap between acknowledging past (and present) discrimination and claiming that reparations are the only way to remedy that discrimination.

Furthermore, Coates is admittedly non-committal about what exactly reparations would be. In effect, he's saying that reparations are justified, he just can't be bothered with the details. Consequently, his discussion of reparations takes on an almost metaphysical tone. As an experiment, halfway through the article I started replacing "reparations" with "pixie dust," and it didn't affect Coates's argument one bit:

Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote:
What I'm talking about is more than recompense for past injustices - more than a handout, a payoff, hush money, or a reluctant bribe. What I'm talking about is a national reckoning that would lead to spiritual renewal. Reparations Pixie dust would mean the end of scarfing hot dogs on the Fourth of July while denying the facts of our heritage. Reparations Pixie dust would mean the end of yelling "patriotism" while waving a Confederate flag. Reparations Pixie dust would mean a revolution of the American consciousness, a reconciling of our self-image as the great democratizer with the facts of our history.

Coates, in short, writes as if the form of reparations is inconsequential. That, however, is the only question that has any importance in this debate.
Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 09:17 am
I agree. Case decided.
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Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 09:35 am
Yes, there would be a lot of the devil in the details of any Reparations plan.

Let see Obama have no ancestors that was US slaves, yet he is an African American beside being the President of the US. Is he going to get a check?

If you can not find ancestors that was slaves under US laws no matter your skin color are you going to get a check or not?

Bringing back in my mixed race step daughters from a very upper middle class family are they going to get a check or no?

How about their one in four parts children are they going to get a check or not?

To me we should forget the idea of dividing up the population by race and focus on the poor and lower to lower middle class group that have a far larger percent of blacks then white in it and transfer wealth in a big way to them from the super rich instead of what is going on now where the super rich is gathering a ever greater percent of the total wealth if the nation to them.

It does not need to be checks it can such things as granting a free college education to everyone who can benefit from it, everyone get "free" medical care and a damn large small business aid programs and so on.

Romeo Fabulini
Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 10:18 am
Blacks may have been taken out of the jungle and brought to America and Britain, but you can't take the jungle out of blacks because it's in their DNA to be violent, that's the only way their ancestors managed to survive in the harsh jungle environment, so maybe blacks should pay reparations to whites for the violence they inflict on us..Wink

"Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime, compared to 17% of Hispanic males and 5.9% of white males.
The US Dept. of Justice Website also reports that in England and Wales, blacks are 2% of the population, but 11% of inmates
Janet Reno's Justice Department flatly states that "blacks are 8 times more likely than whites to commit homicide"
A white person is far more likely to be victimized by a black than the other way around (21% vs. 7%),"
Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 10:34 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Blacks may have been taken out of the jungle and brought to America and Britain, but you can't take the jungle out of blacks

My lord it is remarkable that there are people who still think in this manner and would had been very comfortable with the positions on race of the third Reich.
Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 10:58 am
And yet there is a huge class of feminists who believe that men can not expected to behave on their own because of genetic coding, thus must be strickly controlled (oppressed) till the genetics can be reprogrammed. We men are supposed to understand the wisdom and the necessity of this, and submit.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 11:08 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo I also find it amusing that people who wish to judge others by their racial backgrounds always without fail placed their own race/group on the top of the pile of all of the world races.

Never is someone who is a believer in this nonsense who then placed their own "race" down on the list.
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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 02:50 pm
BillRM said: Romeo I also find it amusing that people who wish to judge others by their racial backgrounds always without fail placed their own race/group on the top of the pile of all of the world races.

Well God himself is a white man..Smile
Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 03:32 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Well God himself is a white man

Also a rapist by the Jesus birth story......LoL indeed.
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 04:17 pm
We English civilised the New World and created the Great White Christian American Nation, so if it wasn't for us you'd still have red faces, make funny whooping noises, be living in wigwams, and scalping each other..Smile
For example After seeing a heathen injun tribe sling a poor old woman out to die in the snow (top), English gentleman Richard Harris tells this other one "I won't let them sling you out, I'll be your son and look after you"

Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 04:25 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
We English civilised the New World and created the Great White Christian American Nation,

Sorry the Romans get the first credit with both bringing high civilization and more important public baths to the former very very dirty tribes of the British Isles.

Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 04:34 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
How interesting and amusing...........in regard to dealing with a racist Brit.



The Silures were the most ancient inhabitants of Britain. (The Theosophical Path, vol. 3 by Katherine Tingley, California: The New Century Corporation, 1912, pg. 136) The Silures possessed south Wales and western England, and their chief cities were Sariconium, Magna, Gobabeum, and their capital city, Venta. The land of the Silures was only thirty miles from Ireland.

That the Silures were black does not need to be questioned. They were described as short in stature, with brown complexions, and black curled hair and dark eyes. In the second century A.D., the Roman historian Pliny described the Britons complexions as “Ethiopian.” (African Presence in Early Europe by Ivan Van Sertima, ed. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2007, pg. 225) In his book, Memoirs of the Celts of Gauls, Joseph Ritson gives this assessment regarding the Silures origins:

“The swarthy complexion of the Silures, and their hair, which is generally curled, with their situation opposite to the coast of Spain, furnished ground to believe, that the ancient Iberians had arrived from thence, and taken possession of the territory.” (Memoirs of the Celts or Gauls by Joseph Ritson, London: Payne and Foss, 1827, pg. 114)

The Silures were identical with the small, dark, long-headed Basque-speaking people found in the western Pyrenees, who were a fragment of the Iberians. (Our Earliest Ancestors in Britain by Boyd Dawkins, London: John Heyward, 1879, pg. 104) The Iberians were the early inhabitants of Spain. Wesley John Gaines insists that the Iberians came from North Africa. (The Negro and the White Man by Wesley John Gaines, Philadelphia: A.M.E. Publishing House, 1897, pg. 11) It is important to note that Iberia and North Africa are separated by a mere thirteen kilometers at the narrowest point of the Strait of Gibraltar. Pliny described the Iberians complexion as aethiopium, i.e. black as an Ethiopian. (Ancient and Modern Britons: a retrospect, Vol. 3 by David MacRitchie, London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1884, pg. 45)

The Roman historian Tacitus also noted that the Silures were a dark complexioned people. (The Anthropological Review, Vol. 8 by Anthropological Society of London, London: Asher & Co., 1870, pg. 202) J.A. Rogers believed they were very likely of Phoenician or Egyptian descent. (Nature Knows No Color Line by J.A. Rogers, St. Petersburg: Helga M. Rogers, 1980, pg. 71)

The Silures were the strongest and most organized state in Britain. They were considered “one of the bravest of the ancient British nations, and defended their country and their liberty against the Romans, with the most heroic fortitude.” (A New History of Great Britain from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Present Time by Rev. John Adams, London: T.N. Longman & O. Rees, and T. Hurst, 1802, pg. 13) They were known to be “stubbornly independent.” (The Foundation of England, Vol. I by Sir James H. Ramsay, London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co. LTD, 1898, pg. 57) It was because they refused to be dominated by outsiders that they fought so hard for their freedom. Julius Caesar led a Roman invasion of Britain in 55 BC. It took the Romans more than thirty years to subdue the Silures.” (Origins of English History by Charles Isaac Elton, London: Bernard Quaritch, 1890, pg. 138)
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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 05:06 pm
Hey Billy baby-

Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 05:49 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
I surely do no need to do the racial shouting as you are the one that have taken that task over and you are in fact doing a bang up job of doing so............

Blacks may have been taken out of the jungle and brought to America and Britain, but you can't take the jungle out of blacks because it's in their DNA to be violent,
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 06:03 pm
Billy baby, which bit of this don't you understand?-

"Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime, compared to 5.9% of white males."

Incidentally you've been a member of A2K for years and have made thousands of posts, but your profile is still a complete blank as if you're afraid or ashamed to say who or what you are..Wink
Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 06:51 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Billy baby, which bit of this don't you understand?-

"Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime, compared to 5.9% of white males."
Peter said:
(Acts 10:34, 35) . . . For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial, 35 but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.
BTW, Fabulini; that included the Ethiopian eunuch converted and baptized by Philip.
Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 07:48 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime, compared to 5.9% of white males."

An only a stupid racist would assume that the imbalance between blacks and whites in regard to the criminal justice system have any connection to inheritance racial traits.

Thanks for proving once more that you are a stupid racist of the kind that would had been very comfortable in the third Reich.

Next so you need to depend on my profile when I been more open about myself and my background and my life in my 50,000 or so posts then almost any other poster here?

A personal attack need some truth behind it as in my 100 percent true and correct statement that you are a damn racist proven by your own words.
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