Very simple to answer, if you check how scientists finally are capable to "re-write" the information found in a cell, then you know that "somebody" had to write the primeval information found in that cell. It has to be an intelligent being the one who wrote first such an information.
Going further, it is a scientist who claims that the entire universe is like a huge computer where information is found everywhere. Again, the bible claims the same about wisdom spreaded throughtout the entire universe.
Lets go one more step, scientists claim that the universe is expanding, and the same phenomenon has been explained in the bible where it says that elohim (god) expanded the heavens with his hand.
This is to say, that regardless of the several fantasies found in science (millions of years of life on earth, parallel universes, time dilatation, black holes, etc) currently science is backing up every narration found in the bible.
Now well, if the bible writings were inspired by god, then there is a god. And if there is a god, then the story of creation becomes a real event.