Is There Any Reason to Believe the Biblical Story of Creation?

Thu 25 Nov, 2021 08:53 am
At first I thought that last bit was Latin from words like fittuo.

There can be things resembling order even among the disordered.

Here's the thing that both you and your rival are missing. Even if you say there is a random element that somehow produced the universe, it would have to be created. Think of our number system. We have base ten (0-9) allowing us to use digits to create a wide variety of numbers, and this allows a wide variety of random rolls. Suppose we switched to base 1. Now there is only zero. You can't do random rolls. But supposing we went a step further and used the number system that would have existed without a creator. Base 0. There are no numbers. Yeah, good luck rolling dice with the universe when there are no dice.
Thu 25 Nov, 2021 10:50 am
its a bit disconcerting that your memory eems to come and go while in short term territory. Youve made the point usin the jumble phrases.Its all about gene expression .You hsd, I thought, posed the points re what we are learning more deeply about retention of acquired characteristics (OH that LAMRK) and gene xpression via epigenetic transmission . Hoever, your only points were about ID . If you are claiming that ID is effective as an evolutionary activity, you have almost no argument except for aspects of convergent volution (I feel like a broken record with you,You seem to argue thesame points but by merely adjusting phrases.

when you work with computers you see all solutions as mere keystrokes
Thu 25 Nov, 2021 10:57 am
Im just saying -
I’ll even grant them numbers, matter, energy, amino acids, and chemistry and they still can’t make a scientific/mathematical case for the 'natural' origin of life.

If it were a gun fight, I’m letting them draw first.
They can’t claim it wasn’t a fair fight.
Thu 25 Nov, 2021 11:13 am
recall that any part of your argument is merely repeating data and evidence in which ID "scientists had NO PART in acquiring" .Allyou o is try to refit evidnce collcted by actual science while still ignoring and/or enying the rest

Its been a humorous ; How does continental drift and the resultant speciation fit your "theory" with anything but "God didit"

I dont have to be allowed to draw first, your more likely to shoot YOURSELF .
0 Replies
Thu 25 Nov, 2021 11:15 am
If you are claiming that ID is effective as an evolutionary activity

Nope. I’m talking about the origin of life. You remember - ID, intelligent design.

I merely used YOUR Neo Evolutionary theory to show that it is THE ORDER OF DNA NUCLEOTIDES BEING RANDOMLY CHANGED mainly causes 'evolution'. I.e., the order is all important to what the organism is. Even there the chemical bonds between them remain the same.

The chemical bonds you understand perfectly. However, You apparently have no clue about the significance of the order of the things they are linking.

Thu 25 Nov, 2021 11:31 am
when you work with computers you see all solutions as mere keystrokes

What does that say about those who work with rocks?
Thu 25 Nov, 2021 02:02 pm
we see much o the real data. happy thanksgiving were off to dinner PS.Iont think I ever said that I believe woo a doubt that the 1953 an 2005 exxperiments that S Miller and H Urey ran, as th answer. It is jut a piece if videnc andMiller, on his econd run hadalmost 55 years to recreate the earths early atmosphere and environment. (MOT ROCKS ) provided some cool data the the early atmosphere ws reducing to th max. Thus the bag of chmical synthsized was almost all of thos needed in the "Creation of life".
The fact tht geoxhemits led theman to regard the fact that life tried a fe times to establish itself and in exactly thow conditions with most .755 OF THE CARBON 12 AND 13 being sinistral

Miller synthesized 13 of the 20 amino acids in the 1953 experiment but was able to synthesize 22 9including all 20 of liffes critical tripartite sets of amino acids. all containing the purines nd pyrimidines and complex eters, and monomer/polymer COOH's. Im still holding out for some dta from Mars Rovers to see whether theres and intragalactic evidence so that PANSPERMIA can still be in the mix.
I just dont see ho a BEING or some kind of FORCE would do this an beie, IM sure we hve no idea even how to do the recherche involved. DO YOU???
Your mind is totally fixated on some kind of theistic involvement. I really dont much GAF, because if there ere such a being, science woul be up its on ass trying to find out how to get it phone number.

Now its dinner time and it ws really my one partner a molecular paleobiologist . who spends the bulk of his entire career looking at speific COOH;s that he feels are unique to oil and praffin deposits. weve done pretty good as consultants working as contract labs using ptented tech '
Thu 25 Nov, 2021 07:51 pm
Farmerman, COOH is oil. But CHO combinations are also used in sugar. And in carbonated water. And in aldehydes. And ethanol and vinegar. Same three elements, different amounts and order, different substances.
The origin of chemical diagrams is because even identical chemical formulas might have a chemical makeup that is completely different. When I learned inorganic chemistry, this wasn't done, only starting with organic chemistry classes. It was around here that I decided to switch minors.

In much the same way that you can make entirely different songs with only eight notes, you can reshuffle sounds. But if you're me, and haven't musical theory, these notes rarely sound like anything coherent.
It gets worse. There are an infinite number of note divisions between the conventional notes we know of, but those notes were chosen because they are pleasing.


Fri 26 Nov, 2021 04:37 am
Leadfoot wrote:

What does that say about those who work with rocks?

They rock on.
0 Replies
Fri 26 Nov, 2021 05:30 am
More like. 'All their solutions involve throwing stones'.
(Based on the evidence)
Fri 26 Nov, 2021 05:51 am
Brevity is the soul of wit.
Fri 26 Nov, 2021 06:48 am
Tell farmer
Fri 26 Nov, 2021 07:19 am
He wasn't trying to be funny.
Fri 26 Nov, 2021 12:13 pm
COOH; are fatty cids an all cell walls. Im glad you looked it up o now i wont have to repeat. All thi is not advance tuff. High schools offer organic chem a an elective.
0 Replies
Fri 26 Nov, 2021 12:24 pm
So I unertand that volution is Not part of your ID plan??
You keep dancing around.

Im sorry that my spelling has been so bad recently but IM TAKING NEW meds for my left arm and hand but im afraid its getting worse. i tried som vocal coman program but I HAD TO SPEND time teaching spelling to the damn thing that I just chose chose to stick with ,y numb and missing digits and arms so ill try to catch the worst mistakes and use spell check (which is almost uselesss in tech spelling.
but youve not complained si i figured i was understood.
0 Replies
Fri 26 Nov, 2021 12:27 pm
ID, intelligent design.
moost IDers feel that ID continues throughout the evolutionary proces o you stop at "cretion"

Hmmmm, that thn boil the rgument don to IDC and assumed nturalism . How does adaptation and Continental Drift fit ??
Fri 26 Nov, 2021 12:33 pm
COOH is oil.
Oil contain COOH' s but not all COOHs are oli. For example, if you remove GLYCERIN from a natural , or even frying oil (y an alkoxide process0 we get diesel fuel, which is also a COOH derivative but is now a COMPLEX which WAS aXOOH , but is no longer. ESTER. just look up fatty acids production in nature, theres a few natural processes that arent biological
0 Replies
Fri 26 Nov, 2021 02:16 pm
Leadfoot Quote:
“ID, intelligent design.”

Farmerman reply:
moost IDers feel that ID continues throughout the evolutionary proces o you stop at "cretion"

Hmmmm, that thn boil the rgument don to IDC and assumed nturalism . How does adaptation and Continental Drift fit ??

How would it even be possible to approach the subject of 'Evolution' while the origin of life was still in question?

I am personally convinced of the intelligent design of biological life.
But anything I said about 'Evolution' in relation to how much, if any, intelligent intervention was involved, would have no basis unless I had a full understanding of the 'design'. We/Science are currently far away from that. I could only speculate.

No complaints about you writing. You should see my walk.
0 Replies
Fri 26 Nov, 2021 02:33 pm
He wasn't trying to be funny.

You thought I was?
Fri 26 Nov, 2021 03:21 pm
Trying, yes.
0 Replies

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