She clearly has symptoms of being cheating. They can be very diverse and variable. I think that recalling that call from 4 years ago is affecting your clear thinking. The ethics are variable between individuals. Spying your wife a little bit can solve the problem.
The most severe issue are your kids. I think for their sake you must know so you can decide and react accordingly to the situation. If she is not cheating no harm will be done. If she is doing it you must evaluate what would you do, will you be able to broke the marriage or just accept her behavior. In my familiar experience (parents) giving another opportunity do not works. Kids are alway the ones suffering more on a familiar infidelity, not the spouses.
I personally belive in spying to confirm or deny a cheating situation. I am by the moment investigatin my wife. I had also discovered recently a thong that she never wore at home, and she always told me that she hated those things, she denies that she is cheating she says she used it because it is confortable but it clearly it is not a normal thong and it doesnt look confortable it has to many cords in its structure to be functional as underware. She also has been acting strange in other situations. So i clearly understand how you feel.
You are not paranoid, i know that feeling. Is a horrible feeling of despair and fear. You love someone to much that simply feeling of losing her hurts to much. We, men, are taugth since kids to be strong and to be the support of a family and to be brave. And a situation like these touch us directly on our must week spot. The family. And we feel weak and naked. You are not paranoic despite what other post said. I am with you bro.
We have to be realistic women now cheat almost as much as men.