Thu 15 May, 2014 03:22 pm
My guess: Betty divorces then suicides. Dick opens a car dealership in California with the kids devoted to him. Dick is still married to Megan, who gets a juicy soap gig. The firm explodes or implodes, and we never find out how all of those people make out.
What say you?
I'll let you know when the credits start to roll on the last episode.
Easy. Megan kills herself. Betty gets a job out of the home and her marriage crumbles. Joan keeps on keeping on at the firm. She gets a few new clients but does nothing really spectacular with her career and overall, continues to be seen as less than the guys. She will be jealous of Peggy forever. Peggy leaves and opens her own firm with the nice, bearded hippy guy and the T.V. ad guy. Pete actually turns into an ok dude. Roger croaks, likely from overdose or heart attack. The really old guy who hates shoes lives until the end. Nothing changes with him. The firm buys out Don's share of the company. Don runs away and disappears. He will start over. Again.
Quote:Megan kills herself
Several of the crew over at Slate thinks that Megan gets killed by the Manson family......
hawkeye10 wrote:
My guess: Betty divorces(doubtful) then suicides (Cancer). Dick opens a car dealership in California with the kids devoted to him (dont know yet). Dick is still married to Megan (doubtful), who gets a juicy soap gig. The firm explodes or implodes(yep), and we never find out how all of those people make out (dont know yet).
What say you?
this would have been a fun activity. We all missed out.
for me, it will end/has ended (it may have by now i suppose) the same way it began
4.6 million watched episode 92. What passses for a win on tv is not what it used to be.