Reply Thu 8 May, 2014 04:55 pm
Buttermilk wrote:

But telling someone to google search is not enough to substantiate your position. Otherwise whats the point of bringing it up?

Seriously? The video substantiates my position just fine. I posted the google search for the lazy folks that couldn't do so on their own. Maybe you should follow it and read up on it and then post your position?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 May, 2014 04:55 pm
So this is about race and responsibility and conservative blogs...Gotcha
Reply Thu 8 May, 2014 05:14 pm
Buttermilk wrote:

So this is about race and responsibility and conservative blogs...Gotcha

I'm sorry for you if that is all you get out of it.
Reply Thu 8 May, 2014 05:16 pm
I'm sorry you took one woman who lacked responsibility as an argument against social programs. Your concern is prototypical conservative bullshit. We spend billions on military tech we trash for advance technology. We've spent trillions on two wars. Social programs pale in comparison.
Reply Thu 8 May, 2014 05:46 pm
Buttermilk wrote:

I'm sorry you took one woman who lacked responsibility as an argument against social programs. Your concern is prototypical conservative bullshit. We spend billions on military tech we trash for advance technology. We've spent trillions on two wars. Social programs pale in comparison.

That's fine, but you may not realize it yet, we can talk about lots of stuff all at the same time. That's one of the reasons we have so many threads on A2K. So we can discuss specific issues and concentrate on it.

So, for example, you could start a thread on how "we spend billions on military tech we trash for advance technology. We've spent trillions on two wars. Social programs pale in comparison." Then, you can discuss that issue. This thread is about how Angela Adams has carelessly spawned 16 kids into existence and expects someone else to be responsible for them.

Maybe you guys can call this guy a racist as well...

Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 04:10 am
Ok but in your subsequent posts you went from one individual to arguing the general idea of how individuals like the one in your OP are common among social welfare recipients.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 04:34 am
Progress can be toward
a lot of very, very different things, in any direction.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 05:14 am
You are the one who took an example of a young black teen with 16 kids (find it hard to believe) to tar the whole progressive movement.

How does this fit into the progressive movement?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 05:35 am
Speaking of google, you can pretty well get what you want out of it depending on your wording. For instance:

As a liberal living in a small southern town, I’m exposed to a lot conservative viewpoints. Listening to these views and opinions sometimes makes my blood boil, but it is my personal policy not to argue, or even attempt to debate in social situations. Instead, I listen and struggle to empathize. It is important to me to try and understand why they think like they do because some of them are people I love, or at least like.

Most are against such hot button issues as gay marriage and abortion, but it is becoming clear to me that what really fuels their staunch conservatism is a misunderstanding of government social and welfare programs and the recipients of these programs.

In their minds, there is an overwhelming and growing number of people in this country that are making a career of being “on welfare.” In the average conservative’s opinion(at least the ones I talk to), these people, mostly black, suck from the government tit, while the government fills that tit with the conservatives own blood, in the form of taxes. In this world they see, these welfare recipients do nothing but lay around all day, supporting Obama, doing drugs and watching TV, while tax dollars pay the cable and crack bill.

It is a stereotype reinforced by Reagan’s famous “welfare queens driving Cadillacs” quote and various news programs and pundits. This fantasy that has gotten entrenched in their minds makes them angry every time they see the tiniest bit of taxes taken out of their meager paycheck. They see it going straight to the welfare queen’s gemstone studded purse. If I was deluded into believing this, I would be angry too.

They can not see the reality. While there are many instances of welfare fraud in our country, and plenty of sad folks that have had government social programs as their only means of support for their entire lives, the reality is that many working class U.S. citizens also benefit from government welfare programs in one way or another. As the New York Times pointed out last week, conservatives and those critics of welfare programs oftentimes benefit without realizing it.

Let’s use a real life example of a man from my town. Bill is a wonderful man, active in his church and community and I know him well. If I called Bill in the middle of the night and asked him to help me, I feel sure he would come running. He’s also funny and engaging. I like him a lot.

Bill retired when he was 62 and began receiving Social Security benefits. He comes from a long-lived family and is likely to live to his mid 80s or beyond and will spend 20+ years collecting Social Security. For the time being, he receives his health care (which he describes as excellent) from the VA, having spent four years in the military in the 70s. He has four grown children and numerous grandchildren. They all have vocational educations that were funded by Pell Grants. Even though Bill and his family are all fundamentalist Christians, none of his children are married because of the increased benefits to single mothers via WIC and Earned Income Credit.

When Bill’s children and their young families fall short at the end of the month and can’t pay their electricity bill, they are not helped by their parents or church, but are sent to receive help from a non-profit organization that assists in paying energy bills. This organization is funded by government grants.

Bill’s father died when he was 82, after receiving a $100,000+ triple bypass and valve replacement when he was 79, compliments of Medicare. Bill’s mother is 93 and lives at the local nursing home. Just after Bill’s father died, and a few years before his mother’s health began to deteriorate to where she could no longer take care of herself, Bill put all of her substantial assets in his name. Therefore, when the time came, his mother was eligible for Medicaid to pay for her long term care. She has been there nearly five years.

Yet, Bill is a staunch conservative, Republican and supporter of drastic cuts to all social programs. When last we talked, I asked him what he thought was the biggest problem facing the U.S. today. He answered, “Entitlement programs - Specifically, Obama’s redistribution of wealth.”


Our safety net has problems aplenty and needs serious reform. But this cannot be done simply by budget cuts. Perhaps the first step in reform would be for conservatives to practice what they preach.


Which I got from here
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 06:18 am
McGentrix wrote:

You sure read a lot into what isn't said. I have a good friend who I roomed with in college who was the oldest of 15 kids. They were white though so all the kids only had one dad and he wasn't in jail and both parents worked and weren't on Welfare. They did, however, receive some assistance from the local community.

Cool story, bro.

McGentrix wrote:
I notice that you said "she was black" often.

No, only twice. If you think that's "often," then it might be because you're fixated on race.

McGentrix wrote:
I know that all conservatives are racist. That's been proven over and over because we didn't vote for Obama. Rolling Eyes

There is, at best, a weak correlation between not voting for Obama and racism. After all, I didn't vote for Obama in 2012 and I don't consider myself a racist. On the other hand, I'd reckon that there's a much higher correlation between blogging about Angel Adams and being a racist.

McGentrix wrote:
You make it sound like black people aren't capable of personal responsibility Joe.

See, this is why it's sometimes difficult to take you seriously, McG. Here's what you posted:

McGentrix, in post 5658228 wrote:
The idea is that some people have absolutely no idea of what personal responsibility is.

In response, I wrote:

Joefromchicago, in post 5658386 wrote:
Why do you think she has no idea of what personal responsibility is? She works, her boyfriend/spouse worked until he got arrested. She had successfully kept her family intact. She has availed herself of certain government programs, but no one is accusing her of taking anything except that to which she is entitled. What's the problem?

Which prompted you, for some inexplicable reason, to accuse me of saying that blacks lack any idea of personal responsibility.

So, let's recap: you said that this story shows that "some people" don't have any idea of personal responsibility. I'm the one who said that this story does not show that. Consequently, if there's anyone here saying that blacks have no concept of personal responsibility, it certainly isn't me.

McGentrix wrote:
Find me some video of a white person saying the same thing. Then I will wonder where their personal responsibility is as well.

I'm guessing that the websites you frequent aren't making much of an effort to find that video.

McGentrix wrote:
If Angela's point of view and demand to be taken care of doesn't discourage you, not even a little bit,. then I think you're faking it. Trying to play the part of the white knight. Good for you. {last line deleted for taste} Shocked

What exactly do you find discouraging? That she's taking government benefits? That she feels entitled to those benefits? That she's not sufficiently grateful for those benefits? And what exactly would you do in this situation? Take away her benefits? Take away her kids? Give her a good smack upside the head? Help me out here.
Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 06:27 am
McGentrix wrote:
. They were white though so all the kids only had one dad and he wasn't in jail and both parents worked and weren't on Welfare.


they only had one dad because they were white?

dad wasn't in jail because they were white?

both parents worked because they were white?

they weren't on welfare because they were white?
Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 07:35 am
joefromchicago wrote:

McGentrix wrote:

You sure read a lot into what isn't said. I have a good friend who I roomed with in college who was the oldest of 15 kids. They were white though so all the kids only had one dad and he wasn't in jail and both parents worked and weren't on Welfare. They did, however, receive some assistance from the local community.

Cool story, bro.

McGentrix wrote:
I notice that you said "she was black" often.

No, only twice. If you think that's "often," then it might be because you're fixated on race.

No, but you sure seemed to be. I never once mentioned race, yet you did. You want this and any story like it to be about race when it isn't.

joefromchicago wrote:

McGentrix wrote:
I know that all conservatives are racist. That's been proven over and over because we didn't vote for Obama. Rolling Eyes

There is, at best, a weak correlation between not voting for Obama and racism. After all, I didn't vote for Obama in 2012 and I don't consider myself a racist. On the other hand, I'd reckon that there's a much higher correlation between blogging about Angel Adams and being a racist.

That's because it is impossible to discuss these issues without people like you making it about race. It's about personal responsibility and how the progressive movement doesn't see why anyone needs it. Redistribute wealth, generational welfare, Obama phones, the list goes on and on and this one lady is a prime example of the state of mind that people in the progressive movement sympathize with.

joefromchicago wrote:

McGentrix wrote:
You make it sound like black people aren't capable of personal responsibility Joe.

See, this is why it's sometimes difficult to take you seriously, McG. Here's what you posted:

McGentrix, in post 5658228 wrote:
The idea is that some people have absolutely no idea of what personal responsibility is.

In response, I wrote:

Joefromchicago, in post 5658386 wrote:
Why do you think she has no idea of what personal responsibility is? She works, her boyfriend/spouse worked until he got arrested. She had successfully kept her family intact. She has availed herself of certain government programs, but no one is accusing her of taking anything except that to which she is entitled. What's the problem?

Which prompted you, for some inexplicable reason, to accuse me of saying that blacks lack any idea of personal responsibility.

So, let's recap: you said that this story shows that "some people" don't have any idea of personal responsibility. I'm the one who said that this story does not show that. Consequently, if there's anyone here saying that blacks have no concept of personal responsibility, it certainly isn't me.

Where did you see that she has a job or works? That's what I meant when I said you read into stuff. I've not seen any evidence of her working anywhere beyond being a walking womb. Yet you sympathize with her for whatever reason it is and feel that because she pumps out another broodling every year someone should take care of her. That she is entitled to it. Why is she entitled to anything Joe? Because she can't keep her legs closed?

joefromchicago wrote:

McGentrix wrote:
Find me some video of a white person saying the same thing. Then I will wonder where their personal responsibility is as well.

I'm guessing that the websites you frequent aren't making much of an effort to find that video.

Google you mean? Why don't you look at the websites you frequent and find some then? I say they aren't there, prove me wrong and I can bitch about them as well.

joefromchicago wrote:

McGentrix wrote:
If Angela's point of view and demand to be taken care of doesn't discourage you, not even a little bit,. then I think you're faking it. Trying to play the part of the white knight. Good for you. {last line deleted for taste} Shocked

What exactly do you find discouraging? That she's taking government benefits? That she feels entitled to those benefits? That she's not sufficiently grateful for those benefits? And what exactly would you do in this situation? Take away her benefits? Take away her kids? Give her a good smack upside the head? Help me out here.

I find it discouraging that something wasn't done when she couldn't afford the first kid, much less the 16th. She obviously needs education and that was not given to her. She obviously needs guidance in life and that was not given to her, all that was given her was free **** and money. Then she is allowed to just keep on pumping out the kids. That's what I want. I want people to get an education and a job and learn what personal responsibility is. I don't think being a broodmare is much of a profession.
Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 07:39 am
ehBeth wrote:

McGentrix wrote:
. They were white though so all the kids only had one dad and he wasn't in jail and both parents worked and weren't on Welfare.


they only had one dad because they were white?

dad wasn't in jail because they were white?

both parents worked because they were white?

they weren't on welfare because they were white?

Hyperbole can also be your friend. I am sick and tired of not being able to talk about anyone that might be black without being labeled a racist. Just like no one from the right can talk about gays without being labeled homophobic or some other nonsense. It the only trick most of the people here have to defend what is being discussed. "McG is talking about a black woman! RACIST!" It's bullshit and I am tired of it.

The point was they took responsibility for their family on themselves. They are proof that a family can have lots of kids and not feel entitled or demand that some one else is to blame.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 08:04 am
Corporate welfare, meanwhile doesn't bother you, Billions and billions in ongoing, continual waste in the Pentagon - the biggest chunk of our tax dollars wasted and misspent. Billions and billions and billions more than anything wasted on welfare.

google it.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 08:06 am
Its not my problem, ace, its yours. Google is a piss poor source unless you look at it critically, which you obviously don't.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 08:08 am
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 08:14 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Corporate welfare, meanwhile doesn't bother you, Billions and billions in ongoing, continual waste in the Pentagon - the biggest chunk of our tax dollars wasted and misspent. Billions and billions and billions more than anything wasted on welfare.

google it.

Wrong thread. I'm sorry that I fail to mention every wrong in the world in all of my posts when I am discussing something else. If you want to discuss that, perhaps you can run along and start your own discussion topic on it. Now run along like a good boy and play elsewhere.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 08:16 am
What IS your point, anyway? That this lady's kids need to be punished for your imagined sins of mom? You'd rather feed and house them in prison rather than make them productive by making sure their needs are met now.

What do you have against minority children?
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 08:19 am
Nice job of parsing out McG's rant.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 9 May, 2014 08:22 am
Boiled down to its essence once again by ehBeth. Thankyou for your calmness and ability to point out the correct question.
0 Replies

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