hi inforwarrior- Thanks for the support. Just ignore him -- that's what I intend to do from now on. Have a great day.
I see, so I ask a polite question and I get ignored. That's very friendly of you.
I hope you all are satisfied that your silly pissing match has destroyed a topic that was worth discussing.
McGentrix wrote:No, it wasn't "great". It was rude and in ill-advised. I hope they all burn in hell.
how very compassionate of you......perhaps you will have eternity to chat together about it.....warmly.....
The protestors don't deserve to burn in hell, certainly not in the company of McGentrix as BPB recommends, for not knowing how to effectively raise their message before the public. They only fed their egos, persuading no one to force Rumsfeld to resign.
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:The protestors don't deserve to burn in hell, certainly not in the company of McGentrix as BPB recommends, for not knowing how to effectively raise their message before the public. They only fed their egos, persuading no one to force Rumsfeld to resign.
That would be double jeopardy, wouldn't it? :wink:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:McGentrix wrote:No, it wasn't "great". It was rude and in ill-advised. I hope they all burn in hell.
how very compassionate of you......perhaps you will have eternity to chat together about it.....warmly.....
I'll be the one teaching the other demons how to
really torture those damned hippie-liberals...
BPB, it could be triple or more jeopardy, depending on how many A2K denizens were there.
McGentrix wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:McGentrix wrote:No, it wasn't "great". It was rude and in ill-advised. I hope they all burn in hell.
how very compassionate of you......perhaps you will have eternity to chat together about it.....warmly.....
I'll be the one teaching the other demons how to
really torture those damned hippie-liberals...

Sorry to disappoint you McGentrix but paper tigers don't last long in that kind of heat......
McGentrix wrote:No, it wasn't "great". It was rude and in ill-advised. I hope they all burn in hell.
Keep your religious fantasies to yourself, this is reality.
Political theater is nothing new. I understand Questions to the Prime Minister is shown on US TV and is quite popular. I think, the very fact alone that a group of Americans would rise and display this level of outrage and anger during a Senate hearing, suggests Mr. Rumsfeld is in very deep trouble, and your president would be wise to jettison him as soon as possible.
When a single item starts to stink in the fridge, you don't throw out the entire fridge, just the spoiled item. Mr. Rumsfeld is that item.
Alert! Alert! the Hippie-liberals are back in power.
Ye gods, run for the hills, the hippie-liberals are after us to destroy our world.
Re: Hippie-liberals?
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:Hippie-liberals?
Alert! Alert! the Hippie-liberals are back in power.
Ye gods, run for the hills, the hippie-liberals are after us to destroy our world.

and rape your daughters BBB, don't forget rape your daughters :wink:
Although if we are to believe the videos and pictures the fellows on the hill are supposedly reviewing now, it looks like the raping is being done by a handful of "compassionate conservative" types. And not just to peoples daughters either.....ouch!!!
btw, as the white house reviews this, as Rumsfeld called it, "action footage", do you think they're having an oval jerk?
BPB, raping our daughters is so out of date. How about buggering our sons, for a change; equal opportunity, you know. Or as you wrote "oval" jerk. That was such a funny typo, BPB.
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:BPB, raping our daughters is so out of date. How about buggering our sons, for a change; equal opportunity, you know. Or as you wrote "oval" jerk. That was such a funny typo, BPB.

ahem...that was not a typo.......my wit is totally unappreciated here <sniffle>
BPB, I'm so sorry, I forgot about the "oral" office line during the Clinton-Monica scandal.
Now that I've wised up I still think it's funny.
I was just whining for fun.....