Sun 27 Apr, 2014 11:59 am
I've met this girl online 9 months ago, since then we've been chatting, became good friends, and dated once.
After 2 months we've lost communication due to her being busy at school (she was a graduating student)
Now, 7 months have passed, she recently graduated and somehow I still feel something for her. Should I contact her again? And if so, what should I say to her?
Forget her. or one of the more accomplished dating sites is where you should spend your time. If She hasn't contacted you in 7 months she has no interest in you.
Quote: what should I say to her?
You'll probably have to re-introduce yourself. You dated only once.
Frankly, unlike you, she has moved on and wonders why you haven't moved on.
I dunno, it's a maybe.
A quick note will give you a clue.
Me, I'd say just call, but I'm not of the smart phone era.
Of course you should contact her.
By phone, by voice, for real.
Find out what's going on in her life. She may be involved after all this time.
(You let some valuable time pass without asserting yourself into her life. you could have sent flowers, cards, called or gone to take her out for dinner. In spite of you being interested, you kind of let this drop. Hope it's not too late or she will be the one "that got away.'0