And many will see that you're not much of an understanding individual.
Everyone is different, think differently, everyone's mind works differently.
I know of this mother in the past who refused to see her child, have anything to do with her child because of the grief, psychological problems the mother was enduring. I haven't heard from the mother in a long while now so I'm unsure of what's going on right now. But I remember the mother informing me she wants to be able to obtain full custody of her child so she can take her child home for good. That the small visits and getting no where in life due to her problems was doing nothing. So it is very likely the individuals, who took the mother's child away because of false allegations made up in their head and their desired vengeance pertaining to the mother, spoke of the mother as being neglectful. Well that's just who they are. The mother finally understood that she needed to just make not only her mother and mother's husband understand, but the entire world understand who she was. Things usually never go as planned because there are usually negative individuals doing their best to destroy an individual out of vengeance, like feelings.