Depends on where you're aimin that pea shooter:D
Troubled posters and trolls cannot disrupt a forum until others recognize them and begin dividing their attention between contributing to the discussion and complaining about them. If they were completely ignored by everyone, most of these types of posters would go away for lack of attention. But, normally civil members of the forum sometimes demand that the forum administration impose a penalty on mentally disturbed participants in a thread. They want to impose their will on others as much as the mentally disturbed ones want to monopolize attention. Thus begins a cycle that can only end when one group or the other is forcibly prevented from posting further messages. And, that's usually the nuts and the trolls. But, not always! Once forum management is forced to adjudicate the potential to chose the wrong people to punish becomes a possibility. If you haven't seen mistakes by admins before then you just need to read more forums.
In forums that have an ignore user feature, this situation never has to disrupt your experience. If you use the feature, of course. But, do you? Or, are you someone who demands retribution for violations of what you think a valid opinion should be? Sure, the whack job that this thread centers around obviously is out of control of her faculties. But, in other cases it's not so clear. And, people take sides. And, will demand that their opponents be banned. which kind of makes them just as annoying and sociopathic as troubled posters.
That last is nasty and rude stuff, where's all the anger from? Ask yourself: what would Jesus do.
As for me - I'm pretty much ignoring that last post.
Quote:Re: farmerman (Post 5648316)
After five (5) reports you get a hooker and a shower. That's pretty standard on forums.
Why don't you just go and take a shower?
i dont know but im seaching for a philosophy fourm where you have to present your case like an intelligible person
Ignore is a wonderful feature. I sympathize with disturbed individuals, but the answer to their problems is not to spew vile angry diatribes because others don't 'make an effort to understand your tapestry of ills'. I get that it might be frustrating for those angry disturbed people, but if it upsets you, why do you think others are equipped to sort out your problems. Those of you who heap insults are not taking anytime to understand the other members. You see enemies while everybody else is just making conversation. If some of you don't understand this, your best bet is counseling. There are no physiologists that I know of here. If there were, they can't help you by virtue of your written angry complaints, if you don't understand that, well I haven't anymore to say. Good luck
Quote:There are no physiologists that I know of here
I love it ! Much better than
psychologists !
Clearly, forums such as this can attract individuals who have no audience in real life for obvious reasons. I agree that the ignore button is useful in this respect and it may be beneficial to announce its usage to a recipient.
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115
Quote:Why don't you just go and take a shower?
Because getting sweaty with a hooker is the fun part of a hooker and a shower.
Did I really have to tell you that?
The ignore button isn't much use when you're trying to play word games.

I guess it's just a case of how much you can put up with!
I quite like the ignore button (don't announce when I'm using it though).
There is someone in word game land I would occasionally put on ignore when I wasn't feeling patient. The games stuttered a bit but it never seemed to cause significant problems.
I'll have to try it - still learning the ropes here!
I'm fine with the ignore button, use it to give myself a break, sometimes take people off it. I was not saying that my experience here is disrupted - I'm worried that newbies experiences are, when slammed in various ways - what an intro. That was the reason I started this tacky thread, not because of my own sensitive self, but re first time (or thereabouts) posters.
Lots of wise people (not kidding, I do listen to many here, ya might be surprised) have been telling me in the thread to use ignore. I know about that, folks. Thus I will report if I see that situation again.
I just hope it will also mute all the threads he's started. Finding out now.
It does mute threads started by... Just lost 20 pieces of trash, although you still see when they were the last poster. Not complaining.