Quote:It seems very odd to me, that Donald shud tell his mistress
not to associate with her own race.
I don't think Sterling thought of her as black, and he seems not to have wanted her to be perceived by others as being black.
He said something to her, on that tape, like, "You're supposed to be a delicate Latina woman."
She reminded him, on that tape, that she was racially mixed.
Race was part of the reason he didn't want her posting pictures of herself with blacks, or bringing them to games as her guests--they raised issues about the race of his mistress--he felt her association with blacks reflected on him in a bad way. This had nothing to do with your nonsense about giving away "free tickets". She had 4 seats for every game, for herself and whoever else she wanted to bring. Sterling, in that tape, told her not to bring blacks
as her guests.
His racism, and bias, came through clearly on that tape, as did his plantation mentality regarding his team.
And this wasn't the first time the issue of his being racially biased has come up--it's been an issue for many years--apparently this was the first time his views directly impacted the NBA in such a negative way.
And the impression of him as being racially biased was definitely confirmed in the interview he did with Anderson Cooper after the NBA took action against him.
If you don't want to believe that this man is racially biased, or that such views create definite problems, for a sports organization, when they are expressed by a team owner in a sport dominated by predominantly black players, fine. You don't have to believe those things. But many other people do, and they can understand why the NBA took the action against Sterling that they did.