So I met this guy who works for the same gym, but different location that I work at. I met him last week and he invited me to workout with him and his friends but canceled because of Easter, he got my number from a co- worker and let me know it was canceled and that he was "sorry and happy easter".. We went back and forth a few times and left it at that. Then the next day he texted me and said "Happy Easter H." And we texted the entire day. His texts are not one sentence they are about a paragraph long, so long they are sent in two separate iphone texts. uses smiley faces. When we text we always have something to talk about and get along great have so much in common.
He has not asked me to come over to his place, or anything to initiate that he wants to hang out. He did say that he goes running on a trail and invited me to that on Friday but there isn't a planned time so I have yet to see if that even happens.
He does tell me when he works out and says "see you later tonight", or talk to you later", or when he has class he says "I'll text you after" and he always does. I saw him at the gym and I hinted that I wanted to work out with him and he totally sounded okay with it and it was great. Then last night I stayed a little late at the gym when he was on closing shift and we talked for a hour and a half and when we left he said "you can text me when you get home if you want, I'll be wired up for the next hour".. I know he had a gf for 6 years and she broke up with him and hasn't dated since. What should i do?
This all is confusing me because we get along so well, he is so outgoing and always in a good mood around me but I don't get why he isn't wanting to do anything beside text. I have a feeling he isn't interested but I'm not sure. He has told me all about his childhood, what he wants in marriage, how he cant wait to have kids and be a dad. One time he said how he snowboards and I said I never had and he said "well I know a guy who can
He just texted me that he "works until 9 then have the rest of the night to do whatever." It's weird that he doesn't ask me to hang out .
I know I am probably taking this wayy too fast ...
It's all so confusing so any opinions would be great