RainSoft water softener problems

Fri 19 Aug, 2005 06:41 pm
Thank you for your reply. I have since contacted the Rainsoft Co. that services my area and spoke with them over the phone. They are mailing me out a packet of information concerning my particular unit, as well as some information on upgrading my unit, should I choose to do so.

The unit is now 10 yrs old and has never been serviced, so I spoke with them about the cost of getting a tech out here to look at it etc. They told me the costs of this and that and it all really started to add up, so I told them it would not be convenient to come out just yet. I have a feeling it is going to cost me about $500 when they come out.

On a side note the lady I was speaking with did in fact have all the information of our account still on file after all this time. Good records, big thumbs up! The bottle on the right is in fact a carbon filter. I was told that the system does not even need a timer, it merely acts as a holding tank. The way they had to install systems 10 yrs ago required them to put that timer on the units, however I was informed that it did not need to be backwashed. I am liking your advice though, I feel as though it should be backwashed sometime, so every 14 days as you mentioned would be good.

Just because you read my post and helped me out, I was wondering if you had any questions for me? I dont think I have anymore questions, but I may come up with some later.

Thanks for your help.
0 Replies
Fri 19 Aug, 2005 07:53 pm
I'm glad you have a local dealer that is willing to help Cool

giarc25 wrote:
They are mailing me out a packet of information concerning my particular unit, as well as some information on upgrading my unit, should I choose to do so.
If the upgrade is what I think it is - refurbishing your units would be far more cost effective than the upgrade. I am interested in what they offer.

giarc25 wrote:
The bottle on the right is in fact a carbon filter. I was told that the system does not even need a timer, it merely acts as a holding tank. The way they had to install systems 10 yrs ago required them to put that timer on the units, however I was informed that it did not need to be backwashed.
This dealer had not yet learned about the style A valve that was developed at my request around 1990.
No matter, you have a perfectly good RF valve.

giarc25 wrote:
I am liking your advice though, I feel as though it should be backwashed sometime, so every 14 days as you mentioned would be good.
Once a month is perfect for municipal water. Every two weeks is also fine. Did they mention rebedding the carbon?

giarc25 wrote:
Just because you read my post and helped me out, I was wondering if you had any questions for me? I dont think I have anymore questions, but I may come up with some later.

Thanks for your help.
I am here to help - feel free to ask any questions you may have. You can also visit my web site and email me as needed.

http://www.athenswater.com/images/oldRSvalves_small.jpg < Click here to see a small collection of old obsolete brass Rainsoft valves
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Sat 20 Aug, 2005 12:16 pm
H2O_MAN wrote:
I'm glad you have a local dealer that is willing to help Cool
Me too Smile

H2O_MAN wrote:
If the upgrade is what I think it is - refurbishing your units would be far more cost effective than the upgrade. I am interested in what they offer.
She gave me 2 options for upgrades. Option 1: We could upgrade the entire system and get $2400 credit for the one we are trading in, and then pay a balance of $2400 for the new system. Option 2: We could keep the equipment we have and they would, from my understanding, replace everything from the bottle neck up. We did go over a lot of information and I could be wrong on the option 2. However the second option we would receive a $1200 credit for our trade in, and then owe a balance of $1200.

H2O_MAN wrote:
This dealer had not yet learned about the style A valve that was developed at my request around 1990. No matter, you have a perfectly good RF valve.
What does this mean to me?

H2O_MAN wrote:
Once a month is perfect for municipal water. Every two weeks is also fine. Did they mention rebedding the carbon?
The lady expressed concerns that since the unit was so old, without having any previous service, that all of the stuff trapped by the carbon filter could potentially be released back into the watter supply. She made mention of replacing a filter, not sure if this is the same as what you are referring to?

So in the end, I asked the lady what could possibly be a worse case scenario for have maintenance done to my system. She went over this and that and came up with about $500-$600. This was for fixing this and that, replacing filters, etc. When I budget something, I always try to budget worst case scenario, just incase. The thing is though is that I would rather save some money and do the things to my system myself that I can. I am mechanically inclined, been doing construction for 10+ yrs now,, and can tackle most any job. So, I guess a question I have for you is this. What maintenance could I do to the system myself, that the dealer would probably do anyway, without fear of jeopardizing the lifetime warranty?
0 Replies
Sun 21 Aug, 2005 05:08 pm
giarc25 wrote:
So, I guess a question I have for you is this. What maintenance could I do to the system myself, that the dealer would probably do anyway, without fear of jeopardizing the lifetime warranty?

Let's talk - Drop me an email or call my toll free #.
We can both post results here.
0 Replies
Mon 22 Aug, 2005 12:16 pm
I have sold water treatment equip. for 5 different companies
I have sold water treatment equipment for 5 different companies and RAINSOFT is by far the best, you could give some people a million dollars with no strings attached and they would find something to complain about it for.
0 Replies
Mon 22 Aug, 2005 08:05 pm
RAINSOFT was by far the best - not any more.
davidwr99 wrote:
I have sold water treatment equipment for 5 different companies and RAINSOFT is by far the best, you could give some people a million dollars with no strings attached and they would find something to complain about it for.

The old brass valve with 14 day mechanical timers or the Q valve are very good.
Complicated design but, if you can get the parts you can keep them going for years.
The old green tanks are some of the best in the business and good looking to.
To bad it's all obsolete and for the most part, customer service is horrible.

With 17 years of sales and service under my belt I say ECOWATER systems has "The Best" equipment available.
ECO is high dollar, high end equipment.
The current RainSoft line of products can't hold a candle to the ECOWATER line. -- The difference is amazing.

That said, I have installed a few hundred FLECK 2510SE controlled systems over the past 2 years and I have not had one service failure.
For the money you can't beat the 2510SE control valve.
0 Replies
Tue 23 Aug, 2005 06:25 am
H2O_MAN wrote:
giarc25 wrote:
So, I guess a question I have for you is this. What maintenance could I do to the system myself, that the dealer would probably do anyway, without fear of jeopardizing the lifetime warranty?

Let's talk - Drop me an email or call my toll free #.
We can both post results here.

I am in no rush to have my unit serviced, due to lack of funds mostly, however I will accept your invitation when I am serious about getting something done. Right now I feel as it would be a waste of both our times to discuss something I cant afford at the moment, and by the time I am ready I probably will have forgotten most of what we talk about. Sad

I feel as though I have learned more about my unit and that is what I set out to do in the first place. Smile
0 Replies
Tue 23 Aug, 2005 07:18 am
giarc25 wrote:

I feel as though I have learned more about my unit and that is what I set out to do in the first place. Smile

Cool I'm happy to help
0 Replies
Thu 25 Aug, 2005 10:10 pm
I am strongly considering purchasing a RS system. Does anyone know about the dealership in Columbus, Ga? How about H20man?
0 Replies
Fri 26 Aug, 2005 04:39 am
juicer wrote:
I am strongly considering purchasing a RS system. Does anyone know about the dealership in Columbus, Ga? How about H20man?

Are they still in business? :wink:

I honestly don't know a thing about the Columbus, GA dealer - just the equipment.
Have the dealer provide 6 or 10 customers with like equipment and at least 24 months of service by said dealer.
Call them all and see what they have to say about the equipment and customer service.

0 Replies
Fri 26 Aug, 2005 03:57 pm
Re: RainSoft is for sale
H2O_MAN wrote:
For those of you that have any issues with your RainSoft water systems I suggest
you contact the home office and get action now because the company is for sale Shocked

I can not reveal my source but it is 100% reliable.

Good luck.

Word is out that the company was in fact SOLD 08-24-05.
No information on the buyer - yet.
0 Replies
Thu 1 Sep, 2005 10:38 am
Whew! Glad I didn't fall for it!
Last night we had the salesman come to give a demonstration. We were told the maximum time it would take would be 1 12 hours. At 2 hours we were really exhausted, and told him so. He kept right on talking, and demonstrating. My husband told him he had some work to get done, but on he went. When it came time for "the sale" we told him we never decide on a purchase this big at the spur of the moment. He kept on pressuring and pressuring. We told him NO, this is not going to happen this evening. If you have a legitimate product we should be able to make the decision after we visit. Still he wouldn't leave. I must say, this man has some kind of nerve, becasue after we had asked him to leave he went out to his car and brought in a Ginzu knife set- I was afraid that my husband might use it to filet him! I truly thought that my husband would either have to carry him out physically- or we would have to call the police to make him leave! I have never seen such a hard sell tactic in my life- after reading these posts I know why! If you have time to look into it you would NEVER BUY IT!
0 Replies
Tue 6 Sep, 2005 06:50 am
Re: Whew! Glad I didn't fall for it!
pattiismom wrote:
I must say, this man has some kind of nerve, becasue after we had asked him to leave he went out to his car and brought in a Ginzu knife set- I was afraid that my husband might use it to filet him!

LOL! Was he a knife salesman that had a water system?

Good for you showing him the door Cool
0 Replies
Thu 15 Sep, 2005 11:55 am
No Change
I wrote back in April 2005 about a water system my husband and I bought in July 2004. It has been alittle over a year now and still no change. Our water is still yellow and even hard at times. We don't drink it so we still buy bottled water. It ruins the laundry sometimes with yellow stains. In the beginning the people at Discovery Marketing, FL- Rainsoft were servicing the system on a regular bases. They would replace parts like timers, the duck bill (almost ever month), and columns. They even added another softener (resin column and salt tank). Our system now has 120 holding tank, a chlorine injector, one large resin column and salt tank, a carbon column, and one small resin column and salt tank. So now we have a softener to soften our water softener. They finally put in a french drain the beginning of summer but after the first rain it collapsed. So there is a big hole in in the yard which I had to cover with a piece of plywood so the kids don't fall in it and get hurt.
I went to see a lawyer for help and she said they had a breach of contract because Discovery Marketing sold me a product claiming to be a water purification system that would give us clean clear drinkable water and save us money which it has not done. Instead it cost us more on electric to clean three columns, in the last year it uses more alot more chlorine and salt. Plus we use more soap then before and we still buy bottled water. But for the lawyer to pursue she wanted $2000.00 down. We don't have a money tree. The system itself cost $8000.00 which we had to finance. The whole thing just makes me want to cry.
The last service Tech. said he was stumped and did not know what else he could do.
We have found that we are not the only people in Okeechobee, FL that have had problems. I am tired of dealing with Discovery Marketing and getting no where. One day I was home waiting for the Service Tech. when he show up I peeked out the window to see what he was going to do. He started taking the timer apart then stopped to take a pee right next to the system. I was so upset I opened the door to yell at him and then called the companys Owner. The Vice Pres. got on the phone and said he would have the district manager call me. When the district manager called me back he made a joke about it and told me he would look into it and call me back and never did. They never follow up on anything.
There may be happy rainsoft owners around the country but I feel I was mislead to believe these systems can handle all water problems. My water needs have not been met. There claims of what the system should be doing for me have not been met. And that is why I think they are wrong and should take the system back. But they won't Rainsoft says I need to take the issue up with Discovery Marketing and Discovery Marketing says they are not in the business to take returns. Well then what is there business because from where I am sitting it doesn't look like they are in the business to satisfy there customers.
I need help and I don't know what else to do.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Sep, 2005 01:15 pm
Re: No Change
unhappyconsumer wrote:
One day I was home waiting for the Service Tech. when he show up I peeked out the window to see what he was going to do.
He started taking the timer apart then stopped to take a pee right next to the system.


From what you have posted either the makeup of your water changed drastically overnight or the testing Discovery Marketing provided missed something.

I would look for Tannins in your water. RainSoft has ION-X150 resin for Tannin reduction - this may be what is in the smaller resin column.

I would also add one filter and change the batting order of the equipment you have.

1. Acid Neutralizer with filter-AG - daily backwash.
2. the large softener.
3. Chem feed injection.
4. 120 gallon retention.
5. Carbon filter - backwash every other day.
6. Small softener.

Only the softeners and retention tank flush need to go to the french drain.
Everything else can drain on the surface.

I hope this helps --
0 Replies
Fri 16 Sep, 2005 02:37 pm
Hi Kevin

Before I begin with my question I would like to thank you for the wealth of information you have posted on this web site. I am a professional Handyman and participate on several sites and have found that sharing knowledge and or experience can save thousands of dollars.

OK, now the question: My GF had a Rain Soft system installed when she bought her townhouse less than 3 years ago. For the most part the system appears to preform as it's supposed to. I know a service tech had come out about a year ago to take care of a timer issue. Now the company keeps calling to try and schedule a routine service on the unit at a cost of over $300. Now, I'm in the service industry and I have no problem with someone making a buck or being paid for their work but, what kind of service could possibly cost that kind of money. IE... what needs to be done? I don't have the model number handy but, will post it if it will help. It's called a "Silver Series" if that helps and has three dials on the control panel. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


0 Replies
Fri 16 Sep, 2005 03:19 pm
shoreguy wrote:
Hi Kevin

Before I begin with my question I would like to thank you for the wealth of information you have posted on this web site. I am a professional Handyman and participate on several sites and have found that sharing knowledge and or experience can save thousands of dollars.

Thank you for the compliment.
Sharing knowledge is what it's all about Smile

shoreguy wrote:
OK, now the question: My GF had a Rain Soft system installed when she bought her townhouse less than 3 years ago. For the most part the system appears to preform as it's supposed to. I know a service tech had come out about a year ago to take care of a timer issue. Now the company keeps calling to try and schedule a routine service on the unit at a cost of over $300. Now, I'm in the service industry and I have no problem with someone making a buck or being paid for their work but, what kind of service could possibly cost that kind of money. IE... what needs to be done? I don't have the model number handy but, will post it if it will help. It's called a "Silver Series" if that helps and has three dials on the control panel. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



The 3 year anniversary and a $300.00 fee sounds like a carbon rebed to me.

The Silver Series is a softener that has a salt tank.
It there another tank? If yes, it may be a GAC filter.
Check the original work order to see what equipment is listed.

I hope this helps --
0 Replies
Fri 16 Sep, 2005 03:32 pm
Hey Kevin
Thanks for the speedy reply. However, yes there is a narrow tank that the water main is plumbed into then it goes to the larger tank (sorry for ignorance here). I actually have quite a bit of plumbing experience so I don't think I would have a problem changing the filters on my own. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Sep, 2005 04:03 pm
shoreguy wrote:
Hey Kevin
Thanks for the speedy reply. However, yes there is a narrow tank that the water main is plumbed into then it goes to the larger tank (sorry for ignorance here). I actually have quite a bit of plumbing experience so I don't think I would have a problem changing the filters on my own. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Can you post a picture of the system?
If you want, you can email the pics to me.
I'll ID the tanks and see if I can help you with the DIY service.
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florida guy 803
Sun 2 Oct, 2005 07:25 pm
I Don't Get it....I've had Rainsoft 10 years and LOVE IT!!!!
i'm not sure where the majority of these people are located, but i live in the central florida area and i've had my rainsoft system for almost 10 years now and i have only had a cpl of problems and when i did they responded fairly quickly (2 days). As for the salt they provide the salt and deliver it for a very small amount above what it would cost at the store and they put it in and do a 6 point maintnece check 2 times a year and completley labor free, all i ever pay for is the price of the salt!! So i really don't know why all the complaints on here. Each state or area is run by completley independant companies (i.e. in Florida i have Discovery Marketing & Distrubuting) and in another state it may be a diffrent distributer, but still rainsoft, and mabye they are not all so good, so don't rely on these complaints too much if your in Florida because the Rainsoft Company in Florida has been WONDERFUL and I Highly recommend them 150%
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