H2O_MAN wrote:I'm glad you have a local dealer that is willing to help

Me too
H2O_MAN wrote:If the upgrade is what I think it is - refurbishing your units would be far more cost effective than the upgrade. I am interested in what they offer.
She gave me 2 options for upgrades. Option 1: We could upgrade the entire system and get $2400 credit for the one we are trading in, and then pay a balance of $2400 for the new system. Option 2: We could keep the equipment we have and they would, from my understanding, replace everything from the bottle neck up. We did go over a lot of information and I could be wrong on the option 2. However the second option we would receive a $1200 credit for our trade in, and then owe a balance of $1200.
H2O_MAN wrote:This dealer had not yet learned about the style A valve that was developed at my request around 1990. No matter, you have a perfectly good RF valve.
What does this mean to me?
H2O_MAN wrote:Once a month is perfect for municipal water. Every two weeks is also fine. Did they mention rebedding the carbon?
The lady expressed concerns that since the unit was so old, without having any previous service, that all of the stuff trapped by the carbon filter could potentially be released back into the watter supply. She made mention of replacing a filter, not sure if this is the same as what you are referring to?
So in the end, I asked the lady what could possibly be a worse case scenario for have maintenance done to my system. She went over this and that and came up with about $500-$600. This was for fixing this and that, replacing filters, etc. When I budget something, I always try to budget worst case scenario, just incase. The thing is though is that I would rather save some money and do the things to my system myself that I can. I am mechanically inclined, been doing construction for 10+ yrs now,, and can tackle most any job. So, I guess a question I have for you is this. What maintenance could I do to the system myself, that the dealer would probably do anyway, without fear of jeopardizing the lifetime warranty?