I've fallen asleep in a movie theater only once--the movie was "The Sting" and I slept through all of it.
My significant other and I had just eaten dinner out, a large meal consumed with some wine, before we headed for the theater. We were both looking forward to seeing this film, the reviews had been great. Unfortunately, a lot of other people felt the same way, and the theater was mobbed. We managed to get two of the last remaining seats, but they were in the front row, way too close to what (in those days) was a really huge screen.
As soon as the lights went down, and that screen lit up, the effect was almost blinding, it was hard to take in the picture, my eyes began to hurt and feel heavy. I began closing them, just for a few seconds at a time, to get relief... and the next thing I remember is my partner shaking me and telling me the movie was over. And he never let me live down the fact I had slept through an entire movie in a theater. He thought it was hilarious.
Maybe it was the large meal, and the wine, and the too-close seats, that contributed to my drifting off. But, then again, maybe not.
What's really weird is that, every time I've tried to watch "The Sting" on TV, I've fallen asleep not long after it started. Each and every time.

. And I generally sleep through all of it. I finally bought a copy of it, just so I could try again, perhaps in the morning, after 2 cups of coffee, but, so far, I haven't worked up the nerve to give it a try. I'm really afraid it will have that same soporific effect no matter what, and I am just doomed not to see two of my favorite actors--Newman and Redford--in this flick.
Should I risk it? Dare I put on that DVD and see if I can manage to stay awake? Am I the victim of some sort of curse when it comes to watching this particular movie? Or should I just be happy I've found a sure-fire insomnia cure for any sleepless nights, and save any viewing attempts for those occasions?