Back in the late 70s and early 80s, i lived in a French speaking community, in the United States, so immersed that i would go days without speaking English. There was this one joker who was addicted to film, but who disparaged English-speaking cinema, whether American, Canadian, British, etc. (I later figured out it was largely because his English was so poor that he couldn't follow what was going on). He would have film fests in his apartment, during which nearly everyone fell asleep, including the other francophones and his girlfriend.
I therefore decided to expose him to
Rocky Horror Picture Show. For those not familiar with this American cult phenomenon, the film has been in theaters continuously for almost 40 years. Some theaters run it every Saturday night. Cult fans will show up dressed as the characters and line up in front of the screen to act out the on-screen action. The audience will shout out more memorable lines along with the people on-screen. The audience also brings props--when the newly weds are struggling through the rain to Frank N. Furter's castle, they open umbrellas in the theater and start using their spray bottles filled with water. When Frank N. Furter proposes a toast, they all shout "A toast!" along with him, and throw pieces of toast around the theater. (Theater owners don't mind, they known they'll have a full house every Saturday night.) Our French cinema fanatic was speechless at first, but obviously excited at the thought of audience participation. He began shouting in French, which only annoyed the other patrons. At one point, we noticed he had slipped away. A few minutes later, he ran up the aisle, stark naked, and began dancing among the people in costume at the front of the theater. They helped management drag him out. Fortunately, he got so overwrought that he lost what little, bad English he had, so we were able to convince the police that he just didn't understand. I suspect they released him to us because they were fed up themselves, and were glad to be rid of him.
Here's an example of the lengths people will go to dress up like the characters in the film:
I would be very much surprised to learn that anyone had ever actually fallen asleep during showing of
Rocky Horror Picture Show.