Tue 4 May, 2004 04:29 pm
Hi all, I'm a German major with a strange question.
I am in a play production class as my last three German credits and my group has adapted a story (Karma aus Zschopau) into a play and now I have a problem.
I am playing a Saxon woman and NONE of my group members (even though we have ALL been to Germany) can come up with a "general" idea of the dialect. We are looking to make the play as good as can be and so I figured I'd ask around here to see what ya'll had to say!
Thanks in advance for ANY help (links, pronunciation ideas, etc.) that you can provide!!
Gibt es jemand, das mir, welches die Bedeutung (Personalpronomen)
die dritte Person der Eigenheit, "er","sie","es" und die Höflichkeitsform, "Sie"
in Sächsisch Dialekt sagen kann?