Wed 16 Apr, 2014 08:54 am
Which would be correct if the company has several owners? Smiths' Electrical, Smith's Electrical or considering that the electrical is a descriptor rather than something that's owned by the Smiths would it just be Smiths Electrical?
(Just using Smith Electrical is unfortunately not an option as our actual last name is the name of a nearby town and we want to avoid confusion about where we're based.)
You pretty much have a free hand with company names, there aren't really any rules.
The trend in most such instances is no apostrophe
I tend to agree with Dale in this.
Smiths Electrical.
Let the reader imagine the apostrophe where he will.
McTag wrote:
Let the reader imagine the apostrophe where he will.
There is a British tendency to put an 's' at the end of a company name - working at Supermarines, Fords are recruiting, etc, not forgetting various department stores: Harrods; my mother worked at Gorringes in the 1960s; Debenhams; the Jones department store in Bristol which was known as Joneses to all Bristolians...