I take 40mg of lisinopril per day. I also like to drink regular coke and at night I will drink 2 or 3 beers. What can expect in terms of drug interaction?
littlek wrote:
It also gives the guy a dry cough. His Dr is a meanie.
About 10% of patients taking this medication will develop a cough.
I take it. It's commonplace here. No ill effects on me. BM, I'll read the rest of this later. xxMcT
I began taking lisanopril. I cannot drink coffee on it. I get really sick and dizzy spells with ringing in the ear even after a sip. But my blood pressure is well within healthy levels now. Took it this morning it was 114/78 not bad for a guy who never got below 150/87. I am concerned about the dizzy foggy feeling if I drink coffee though. Coke doesn't seem to have the same effect though.. not even red bull. Just coffee and chocolate what the heck?