Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2014 06:39 pm
Igitur notum omnibus manet qualiter Ego Odoarius Episcopus fui ordinatus in Territorio Africe.
So it is widely known how I, Odarius, was ordained bishop in the territory of Africa.

Surrexerunt quidam gentes Hysmahelitarum
There arose a certain nation, the Hysmahelita,

et tulerunt ipsam terram a Christianis et uiolauerunt Sanctuarium Dei,
and they took away the land itself from the Christians and violated the sanctuary of God,

et Christicolas miserunt in captiuitatem et ad iugum seruitutis,

and sent the Christians into captivity and under the yoke of slavery,

et Ecclesias Dei destruxerunt et fecerunt Nos Exules a patria nostra,
and destroyed the churches of God, and made us exiles from our native country,

et fecimus moram per locas desertas multis temporibus.
and we tarried a long time in desert places.
Reply Fri 11 Apr, 2014 01:19 pm
Postquam Deus per suum beneplacitum in hac regione respicere iussit
After this God was pleased to order me to oversee in this region

et Christianis in hac patria dilatauit
and increased the Chistians in this country

siue etiam Diue Memorie Princeps Dominus Adefonsus in Sedem ipsius sublimauit
moreover, Prince Alphonso of happy memory elevated me to his See

quia Ipse erat de Stirpe Regis Recharedi et Ermegildi
because he himself was of the royal family of Recharedus and Ermegildus.

Dum talia audiuimus
While we heard such things

perducti fuimus in Sedem Lucensem
we were led into the See of Lugo

cum Meis Multis Familiis et cum ceteris populis tam nobiles quam ignobiles
with my numerous households and with the rest of the people both nobles and commoners

et inuenimus Ipsam Sedem destructam et inmutabilem factam
and we found this See destroyed and unchangeable

Some other texts I found online lead me to think that "uninhabitable"
was meant, rather than "unchangeable".
Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2014 05:34 am
Many thanks George! I am writing a book that will mention the translated text. Would you agree I insert your name as the translator? If yes, I would need your full name, please - either by PM or to my email [email protected].

Thank you again,

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