Fri 30 Apr, 2004 01:22 pm
popularized a lot of terms without coining them. "Yadda yadda yadda" comes to mind. I wonder if the show
coined any terms?
I'm asking now about "hand", over here:
I don't know yet if the show is the first to come up with that meaning, nor do I know how widely it is used. (Me and my husband are a pretty small dataset.)
Can you think of any coinages?
The only one that comes to mind is "Master of my domain".
That's not a WORD, though. :-D (OK, I gave yadda yadda yadda as an example, true.)
Just did a "seinfeld coined" search, apparently "quone" is a real brand-new word from Seinfeld -- Kramer was playing Scrabble and insisted it was a word. Heh.
Having the Kavorka
sponge worthy
I'd never heard that word until I saw Seinfeld.
I said terms, I really shoulda said words. There are a ton combinations of words that hold certain meanings that are new, but I was wondering about whole new words and/ or whole new meanings for existing words. For example I haven't figured out yet if they created the meaning for "hand" that I talked about, or whether that's a popularization, too. (I've been saying "yadda yadda yadda" forever.)
I believe those were my first words, in fact.
"It's a girl! She's so tiny! She has 10 toes, and 10 fingers, and..."
"Yadda yadda yadda."
We have a cat named Sambo and the other night as we're lying in bed reading he comes up on my chest and gets right next to my face. I looked over at MrsC and said, "He's a bit of a close talker".
We had a goood laugh over that one!
For more quotes goto
How about the following:
Low talker or close talker
Stumps (as opposed to muffin tops)
The "Bro"
Bubble Boy
Puffy shirt
Man Hands
Urban sombrero
I don't know about inventing many, but Seinfeld definitely popularized tons of yiddish words and phrases.
cjh, It's always "okay, Newman!"
What oft was said, but ne'er so well express'd...
Relationship George and the worlds colliding..
Bottle wipe trumps sweat on seat...
The upper hand in the post relationship relationship...
Sponge-worthy!!!! Makes ya think, that one...
"It moved, Jerry - it moved!!!!!"
My boys are out there....
The contest on who can "refrain from having sex first" between Jerry, George, and Elaine. Elaine lost. How did she confess her loss?
Handed over the money.
Elaine's a Mensch - in an odd way.
Let me think about it, Schmoopy.
My all time favorite line was George's , after having saved a whale that was choking on a golf Ball hit by Kramer.
"The seas were angry that day my friend"