Freedom of speech is not a business consideration. Businesses deciding what can be aired or not is censorship with business considerations. People seem to overlook the fact that the media has giant sponsors called advertisers, that would cripple the organization if all that advertising was withdrawn. Business is in bed with the media as much as it is in government. All that money you know, it sucks the life out of free speech so completely, we have a husk of a corpse where once there was a marketplace of ideas.
To suggest the businessman has the legal right to decide what Americans can see or not is the height of despotism...and in our face.
I repeat that the airwaves dont belong to business or even to government. They belong to the people. Thats you and me and every other citizen in the US. When we first rented the air waves to the radio, and tv stations the renters agreed to to set aside a certian ammount of time for public service. How much public service do most of you see or hear on the airwaves today. Murdock and the other broadcasting people dont own the airwaves. We can take the use of them away from them anytime if we think they are not useing them the way they should be. Talk to your senators and representatives. Raise hell with the FCC and demand that the politicle Robert Murdocks of this world toe the line. Democrat, republican, if you cant see the danger of letting a small group of radicals controll the broadcasting industry than you deserve the government your gitting.