mporter wrote:On November 2, 2004, the American voting public, in their wisdom, will indeed speak up.
Using the words "wisdom" and "American voting public" in the same sentence should be outlawed.
We're talking about the wisdom of a group of people who supported a war in Afghanistan when upwards of 75% of them couldn't locate it on a map; a nation where over 70% of the citizens believed that Saddam Hussien was "personally connected" to Sept 11th; a country where American Idol managed to rake in more viewers than the State of the Union speech.
....and you would have me consider their opinion as being valuble, or somehow indicative of the truth. That is a fallacious appeal to popularity, homie.
The American public is blissfully ignorant and that is precisely why George Bush will be re-elected - he panders to that ignorance with zeal.
Quote:I am very puzzled that IronLionZion, who appears to have a great store of knowledge concering President Bush's "abhorrant policy decisions" did not know that President Bush was a graduate of the Harvard Business School.
I did. I was feigning surprise to make a sarcastic quip.