Fri 21 Mar, 2014 06:29 pm
I'm clueless, not sure if I've ever before seen this sort of structure of a sentence I now read in a book, that is;
Our excitement had been would to so high a pitch, that discovery was quite a shock, and we felt haft angry with the creature who had disappointed us; then the absurdity of the whole thing made us laugh heartily, ......
'had been would to' made me doubt what kind of structure it is, is it grammatically accurate? If so, then, please can you instance some other sentences resemble in form?
Imsak: Our excitement had been would to so high a pitch,
Are you sure you have it right? In the title you have 'have' but in your post you have 'had'.
Oh, sorry I miswrote it, it actually is 'had been would to'.
Imsak: @JTT,
Oh, sorry I miswrote it, it actually is 'had been would to'.
Are you sure it isn't 'had been wouNd to'?
Oh, Thank you very much, JIT. It goes as you pointed out. I absolutely made a big mistake. I somehow confuse WOUND with WOULD, maybe because my blurred eye.
No problem, Imsak. Have a good day, evening, night.