If only the problems of the inner cities were that simple Baldimo, but they're not.
Blaming inner-city poverty on Democratic mayors is absurd.
Inner-city poverty is the result of profound structural economic shifts
that have eroded the competitive position of the central cities in the industrial sectors that historically provided employment for the working poor, especially minorities.Thus demand for their labor has declined disastrously.
Translation: White flight and especially White Capital flight have caused unemployment to soar in the inner cities.
Inner-city poverty is a reflection of the inadequate human capital
of the labor force,which results in lower productivity and inability to compete for employment in emerging sectors that pay adequate wages.
Inner-city poverty results from the persistence of racial and gender discrimination in employment, which prevents the population from achieving its full potential in the labor market.
Inner-city poverty is the product of the complex interaction of culture and behavior which has produced a population that is isolated, self-referential,and detached from the formal economy and labor market.
Inner-city poverty is the outcome of a long, historical process of segregating poor and minority populations in U.S. cities that resulted in a spatial mismatch between workers and jobs when employment decentralized.
Inner-city poverty results from migration processes that simultaneously remove the middle-class and successful members of the community, thereby reducing social capital, while bringing in new, poorer populations whose competition in the labor market drives down wages and employment chances of residents
Inner-city poverty reflects an endogenous growth deficit that results from low levels of entrepreneurship and access to capital, especially among minority populations.
Inner-city poverty is the unanticipated consequence of public policy
that was intended to alleviate social problems but has, in fact, caused them to worsen in some respects