Baldimo wrote:So the latest information that I have seen as of this morning 19th Mar 2014, indicates that the flight turn reported by the news, took place before the final "Alright, Goodnight" message was sent.
The timing of the programmed flight turn might be explained by a cautious pilot preparing for an emergency by pre-entering his most likely emergency runway. But like you, this type of possibility is starting to slip down in my list of probabilities. It's still possible, but looking less probable.
I'm seeing a lot more challenge to the "Hero Pilot" theory as they are calling it. And some of the challenges sound pretty plausible.
Even more damning that the timing of the flight plan change is one claim that the airplane was actively navigating and changing direction and following waypoints well beyond that island. If that is true, then I would say it pretty much kills the Hero Pilot theory. But I'm also very suspicious of the accuracy of many of the additional reports that keep coming in. There are too many rumors floating around from un-named sources and I can't tell what's accurate any more.
But there are also aspects of the Hijacking scenario which don't make sense either. Various US intelligence agencies report that there isn't a single shred of "chatter" about this in normal terrorist channels. And we know from Snowden that the US has got its feelers into just about everyone's cookie jars at this point. There also doesn't seem to be a good motive to hijack this plane.
You're right, this is still a very frustrating mystery.