dlk33 .. what do u exactly plan to do with a tiburan.. they are sloow cars depending on who punches it first a saturn could keep up to a tiburan, just not off a start

, my bro's Sunfire 2.2 L could beat you... ok well his isnt stock, but its not really supped up either (governer off, mouths, pully, intake... and some other mild things)
although today, when i was driving home i tried to race a honda prelude, on the highway, wow that thing took that ramp like its nothing, it was a tight turn connecting on another highway.. he was going 110 more or less, i was going 80-90 in the sunfire and i felt like it was gonna fly off, after on the straigh-away we both punched it.. it was leaving me, pretty good for a 3000pound body.
honda prelude is a good car, a tiburan.. meh
anyways arent saturns supposed to be bad cars.. i heard they break down quick and the body is made of some sort of plastic O.o ??
P.S i like ur car too
automatic tiburan, im guessing 140hp, vs a automatic saturn? 124hp? ups, u have 300pounds of less weight on the saturn if its a standard u win, if its auto, will be a tough race, but you'll probably both end up leaving ur tranny's at the start line

. (but both cars are slooow tho)