Foxfyre wrote:Many on the left seem to think the cost of dead Iraqis isn't worth the freedom they will have. A few even mourn the death of U.S. soldiers. A left biased media is more than happy to reinforce those views, and rarely is any anger or disapproval expressed toward the insurgents, terrorists, and/or anti-freedom militant fundamentalist factions, nor are these usually blamed for the death toll.
Really? Why, then, does your above comment closely resemble the editorials frequently seen in far right magazines? I would question your familiarlty with the "left biased media," jsut as I question its very existance.
Quote:The most grumbles I'm seeing from the right comes out of resentment of those Iraqis who seem to refuse to participate in their own liberation, suspicion of a corrupt U.N. leadership, and a very few cowardly allies who capitulate to terrorists.
Again, this reminds me of the 19th century comments about how the "damned wogs don't appreciate the civilisn' we're givin' 'em! No mater how many of the blighters you kill, they still refuse to behave!" What does this say about your understanding (or lack of such) of the concepts of freedom or democracy?
Quote:Kudos to Cav who recognizes the problem of making decisions and assumptions based on what some reporter or commentator says. Many of these don't have any more information than we do, many copy from each other, and most will not present the whole picture as it would not further their personal agenda.
So why is your first paragraph completely consistent with opinions expresed in far right publications?
Quote:But given the willingness of our brave military to put themselves in harms way to defend America, to protect each other, and to provide humanitarian aid to a people who were once our enemy, I can't see how anybody can make a case that we are somehow oppressing or repressing the Iraqis.
Again, its really hard to take you seriously when you write something like this. How was Iraq a threat to the US? How were the people of Iraq our "enemy?" How is the invasion and military occupation of a nation, with the associated imposition of a puppet government anything otehr than oppression?
NO elections are planned,
NO dissent is allowed. I wonder if you are really this naive, or if you are really a sort of provacateur?