Hi Pueo!!!! Good to see your wee, owly face.
Wunnerful ... glad ta see ya, Pueo.
Now I gotta get to bed. Gotta bale a buncha alfalfa tomorrow, even though I went and enjoyed some Kentucky 'Shine tonight. Good stuff, and it was in fresh, new Mason Jars. Morning's gonna be a little rough, I fear. Oh, well ... I'm my own fault.
G'nite, all.
Pueo, hi there! Oh ... well ... good night then.
I think he's gone to bed. How unlike him!
He's about half way around the world from you, annifa, so maybe it's about time to roust him out of the sack. Nevertheless, goodnight, Pueo. Goodnight, annifa.
Go to bed, you d&ckhead!!
Hang on a minute, Stillwater. I'm writing that down.
G'night, pueo! Love ya, mean it! :wink:
And good night to you, Rae, possum!
Always a pleasure to 'see' you, Olga! I miss you! And I'm trying to be online more often.....patience!
Is my new knick-name 'possum'? I think I like it!
Oh yeah.....g'night again, pueo! :wink:
Rae, my dear ...
"Possum" is a term of endearment in Oz .... As in margo's cat of the same name!
Lovely to see you!
Thank you, Olga. From the bottom of my heart.
Just in case no one has told you lately ~ you are
Is pueo sleeping or something?
I suspect he's caught up with ACCOUNTS! His own business, you know, Rae! Big time involvement!
And thank you for describing me as awesome! Wow! Wait till I tell my friends! :wink:
Olga ~ look up the word 'awesome' in a thesaurus because that's how many words I can come up with to describe what a kind, thoughtful, caring and supportive person you are!
I think it's bedtime for me, too. Gotta work in the morning.
Have a GREAT day, ma'am! (You, too, pueo!)
aka Rae
G'night, msolga, goodnight pueo, goodnight Possum