Hey, chat long time no see. Good morning pueo!
Sunny and warm I suppose. We are freezing here, artic cold front.
85 degrees, slightly overcast, winds at 15 mph. a very nice day.
How are you doing with the B-52s?
they have not caused any problems for us. a squadron of f-16's arrived here last thursday, going to get noisy around here soon.
goodnight everyone, i hope you are all doing well. time to go home.
I'm sending that one around LOL
ice cold beer is always welcomed
say I haven't missed you!!!!
ok. you haven't missed me.............
well, I am now! And for the last few MONTHS!!!
Well, isn't this one neglected thread?
Good night, pueo.
's'not night yet!
G'day Owl!
Waaaaaaaaaah! I missed pueo! Waaaaaaaaah!
Glad to see this thread come back to life ... good to see you again, too, Obstreperous Little Owl. We all missed you ... and this thread.
Oh, and for those who noticed, I'm the one who did the cleanup. If the newbie who left the mess gets the message, cool. If not, there's always a bigger mop.
Didn't notice Timber, but I'm sure thanks are in order.