Yankees vs. Red Sox....Darth Vader vs. Luke

Reply Mon 1 Nov, 2004 04:17 pm
Oh, and curling! The Canadians play that, I think. Sliding big stones on the ice. The Scots, a kind of Brit, invented that. That's a good one for winter, Piff, though you'll need thick socks, any colour.
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Region Philbis
Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2004 01:12 pm
cool Cool photo of the lunar eclipse during game 4 of the WS

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Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2004 01:23 pm
looks like the Cards chances went the way of the moon.
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Region Philbis
Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2004 01:25 pm
they quietly faded into the shadows...
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Region Philbis
Reply Wed 24 Dec, 2008 03:32 pm
the evil empire is at it again -- throwing mass quantities of cash at free agents willie-nillie.

seemingly immune to the current recession we got going, they have systemmatically secured
sabathia, burnett and texiera -- laying out upwards of $420 mill for the trio.

anything short of a world series win will be considered a miserable failure of a season... Twisted Evil
Reply Wed 24 Dec, 2008 05:56 pm
@Region Philbis,
And ticket prices are going to be interesting. Not necessarily this year, but someone's gonna have to pay these pipers and it's not going to be ownership, not really.
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Reply Sat 27 Jun, 2009 09:55 am
@Region Philbis,
Prepare for failure!

In a sense of some sense I am almost pleased to watch the Yankees stumbling this season. I am more than unhappy with the purchase of Sabathia-who is not earning his keep-and others and the continued Rodriguez posturing.

What more bothers me is the building of the new stadium and the one the other team built over in Queens accessing near the old Shea stadium. The costings of this are being hit mostly by taxpayers and ticket buyers.

Meantime Yankees put their new stadium on what was the site of a park one where there are few and far between in the Bronx with a promise to disolve the old stadium and put a replace park for the communisty where the old stadium was. As of now the old stadium parts are still partly there and no park is materializing. Bet if a big money person came in with promises of putting high priced housing there the site would be clear and empty and new structures up in less than a year on time.

Yankees should finish 3rd this season just one space ahead of the Boston team. Let's all root for Toronto and Tampa to captain the top spots in the AL East. (and then one go to lose the series to some team like the Padres)

The Queens team should finish in last place and be disbanded after the season end.
Region Philbis
Reply Sat 27 Jun, 2009 01:14 pm

apparently unintentional, the new bronx stadium is a homer haven where check swings and broken-bat hits fly over the fences.

they're only 4 games back, and have been breathing down our necks all year.

the one thing they've neglected this year -- the bullpen -- has bitten them in the ass repeatedly.

so when CC and AJ hit 100 pitches in the 4th inning of a close game, they're toast.

i'm surprised tampa bay has struggled this year with basically the same lineup as last.

toronto would be in first now if not for their season-long injury bug...
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Reply Sat 27 Jun, 2009 08:32 pm
Will trade Dice-K for Sabathia in a heartbeat. Talk about not earning his keep, this 4-inning nibbler is the most overpaid athlete on the planet.
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Reply Fri 6 Nov, 2009 10:09 pm
The chasm widens. Right on cue, the Red Sox traded for the Marlins' Jeremy Hermida. 4 million and he'll be a fourth outfielder
The low salary teams are basically farm teams for the big spenders. Major League Baseball parity is a joke.
Region Philbis
Reply Sat 7 Nov, 2009 02:51 pm

it is a joke, but the MLB powers that be don't seem to mind as long as they keep setting new attendance records...
Reply Sat 7 Nov, 2009 03:42 pm
@Region Philbis,
The attendance records in total are impressive, no doubt fueled by the Yankees, Bosox, Phillies and Dodgers.
But the numbers from the Marlins, Royals,Orioles etc are pitiful and there's a half dozen other teams whose numbers are heading south, including the Pirates.

What worries me is the inequity right now and how it will affect baseball in general.

The NFL doesn't seem as affected by the numbers in the fan base.
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