trying2learn wrote:
Orcas are dolphins? If your friend has a phd, then maybe your friend should enlighten you.
Your quote -- granted you do not state they aren't -- but the obvious insult and intent is in there -- saying my friend with a phd needs to enlighten me - certainly makes it apparanent you think I am wrong. Not to menation the question mark as if they are not.
No research needed -- simple reading and quoting your statement is necessary. But if research is needed --en·light·en
verb: enlighten; 3rd person present: enlightens; past tense: enlightened; past participle: enlightened; gerund or present participle: enlightening1. give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation.
I did not need enlightening as I was correct in my statement and therefore did not need greater knowledge and understanding about this subject.
The ironic thing was --- I was enlightening you on the subject with research.