The word sun dog will be cremated. A2Kers are welcome to make a donation to the A2K dictionary fund in lieu of flowers.
Send in your bluff for TRISMUS[/b][/size]. I'll give the laggers a day or so before I start nagging.
I've received bluffs from:
Felix Noir
Taffy LeBlanc
And the final posting on Sun Dog
A hazy ring around the sun-Littlek
a small hollow or depression in a desert caused by intense heat melting the sand (from its shape and size)-Clary
Sun dogs only chase cats during the day. Stupid dogs, they never learned that cats are nocturnal. Hee, hee, hee.-Felix Noir
Religious icons of importance in ancient Incan society.-Diane
'The halo that adorns felines heads, which can only be seen by canines'-Taffy LaBlanc
'A corona corona'-Firstthought
Sun Dogs are bright spots in the sky near the Sun; an optical illusion/effect due to atmospheric refraction, etc.-Equus
But a bluff anyway:
sun dog: A hot dog heated only by direct or refracted sunlight, typically at the beach.-Equus
a halo around or partially around the sun-Devriesj
Sun dog is an ancient god dog!-Margo
An ancient deity, the companion of Sun Ra.-Ceili
A sun dog is a coloured luminous effect in the sky caused by the refraction of light in the atmosphere. I think it can also be called a mock sun.-EhBeth
Sun dogs, also called mock suns, are colored, luminous spots caused by the refraction of light by six-sided ice crystals in the atmosphere. -Sting
I like the hot dogs on the beach best.
Remarkable similarity in the two cats' bluffs.
This thread is very cat-oriented. I'm glad Sting is there to create a balance. They are rather dogsist, too.
i don't remember much from all those science courses but what i remember, i remember. i like that my def'n is almost exactly sting's, except that i spell colour properly <snicker>
Where'd my mud puppy definition go?
I've received bluffs from:
Felix Noir
Taffy LeBlanc
Still hoping to hear from:
Peace and Love
I'll send nagging PMs tonite or tomorrow.
The word is TRISMUS[/color].
Yikes! Jes, I have sent Sting into the library to look for your PM
SUN DOG - a small amphibian found in the Southwest United States, also called a mud puppy-Jespah
Sting was sent to his room without any supper.
Aw, give Sting a piece of the pizza. You know how he likes the shrimp and anchovy one.
PS Thanks.
Ack! Wouldn't that be a bit like cannibalism for the little guy?!
So, Sting's a scorpion, right? What's his zodiac sign? Aries?
Okay so I'm lallygagging, as is traditional with this thread. I'll send those nagging PMs this evening if all goes well.
I thought it was yours equus?
I have bad news for you all. Two brilliant players knew the real definition of the word trismus, so we'll need to restart with yet another word.
Maybe this one will stump you smarties:
Three points each for Individual and firstthought.
Trismus is another word for lockjaw.
Y'all need to stop bein' so smart & leave the playin' ta us dummies!
(just kiddin'!)
Castoroides - sounds like either: an asteroid with hemorrhoids or a sick asteroid that needs castor oil?!
Jeez - I knew the definition - but I though we were supposed to bluff first!
Okay, here's the deal on strategy if you know the definition.
If you submit the correct definition, or something close to it, you get an automatic 3 points. But there's the potential of winning more than 3 points. You earn 2 points for voting for the correct definition, plus one point for each person who you fool with your bluff definition. Some people prefer to try for more points.
By the way, you can't do both. Players submit one definition, and if it's correct or close to correct, they earn their 3 points, but don't get to vote. Only the dasher gets to post two definitions.
Does that all make sense?