Okay, here are the answers:
1. Having a shiny, pretty, shallow surface, such as oil on a puddle. (Bluff by Peace and Love)
2. A sweet candy usually served in northern Scandinavia. (Bluff by Individual)
3. A small cat found in Borneo that can puff itself up to scare other predators away. (Bluff by Taffy leBlanc, fooled Felix Noir)
4. Excessive verbiage. (Bluff by realjohnboy, fooled Scoates)
5. An extremely large jelly confection. (Bluff by Margo)
6. Polynesian god of green ju-ju candies. Chief guardian of Junormous, the great god of red ju-ju candies. (Bluff by Scoates)
7. Describing someone with very pronounced lower cheeks. (Bluff by Hiama, fooled Fealola)
8. Celebratory. (bluff by Fealola, fooled Caprice, Clary)
9. Extra-large or monumental, as in "Any candidate would like to receive jumentous support for his or her campaign." (Bluff by Onyxelle)
10. Chunky. (Bluff by Mac11)
11. The aroma left over when a lightning bolt has struck. (Bluff by Firstthought)
12. A tall and dark landscape feature. (Bluff by Littlek)
13. Extra-large jellied candies usually available only in specialty shops. Popular with British ex-pats. (Bluff by ehBeth)
14. Skunky, odoriferous. (Bluff by devriesj, fooled firstthought, ceili, jespah)
15. Engaged in, or give to meditation. (Bluff by Caprice)
16. An ancient celebration to welcome pre-menstrual girls to adulthood. (Bluff by Ceili)
17. Of or like a mare. (Bluff by Clary, fooled Realjohnboy)
18. Overripe, or on the border of becoming inedible. (Bluff by Equus, fooled ehBeth)
19. A large, important collection of Judaica. (Bluff by Diane)
20. Smelling like a horse. (CORRECT definition, guessed by Onyxelle, Devriesj, safecracker, individual, peace and love, hiama, mac11)
21. A lively date with Juno: a big, gorgeous Maine Coon cat. (Bluff by Felix Noir, fooled Taffy leBlanc)
22. Swollen with water or another clear liquid. (Bluff by Jespah, fooled Margo, Diane, Littlek)
Lots of people thought this was either odor-related or having to do with jelly. Interesting. Someone should have bluffed smelly jelly. Argue if you like, but I didn't feel that devriesj's "Skunky, odoriferous" could be considered the same as "smelling like a horse", because skunks and horses smell quite different. Some people (ahem) find the smell of a horse pleasant, although jumentous is a derogatory word. I've also seen jumentous defined as "smelling like an animal", though. Clary pointed out that "Jument" is French for Mare, which I didn't realize. I wish I could give you 1/2 point for making that connection.
Ooo! Ooo! Ha! Ha! I fooled a professional lexicographer! Yippee!
If I've done the math right, here are new scores. If I haven't please someone correct me:
Jespah, 9+3 = 12
Firstthought, 11.
Cavfancier, 10.
Equus, 9+1 =10
Hiama,7+1+2 = 10
Safecracker, 7+2 = 9.
Peace and Love, 6+2 = 8.
Margo, 7.
Devriesj, 2+3+2=7.
Individual, 5+2=7.
Realjohnboy, 5+1=6.
Mac11, 4+2 =6.
Fealola, 4+2 =6.
ehBeth, 5.
Clary, 4+1 = 5.
Taffy le blanc, 4+1 = 5
Littlek, 3.
Onyxelle, 1+2=3.
Thayet, 3.
Felix Noir, 2+1 = 3.
McGentrix, 2.
Diane, 1.
Scoates, 0.
Caprice, 0.
Wow! I'm almost speechless. Talk about "beginner's luck!" I had no idea how much my bluff was like the real answer! woo-hoo!

wonder how my luck will hold...
That was a great round. How does anyone get the answer right with all the great bluffs?
Congrats to all! Good job, Equus.
Has anyone volunteered to be the next dasher? I have a couple of interesting words here.
I think onyx volunteered.
Thanks dev --- and sorry for forgetting onyx!
ony did indeed volunteer. i've got my word ready also...here we go:
it would be soo good if I could have all bluffs in within 96 hours (4 days) of this post...
no prob, mac.
good word, onyx! must do Winnie the Pooh imitation...think. think! think!!
where DO you all get these words?!
No points and a tricky word.
There, there, beth. You can have some of my beginner's luck! ...and just LOOK at the bunny trend you've started! :wink:
p.s. love the new quote. JH cracks me up!
Dang! I shoulda guessed it would be a horse word from Equus!!
And look at how pathetic I look. Down at the bottom o' the list with a big fat zero.
*LOL* I ain't celebratin' that fact SCoates!
*pitiful sigh*
hey, i was at 0 for the longest time. i wasn't cry'n (was i?)
draggin' onyxelle's word onto this page ...
Caprice, I didn't even make the list. (hanging my head in shame.)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the word had to do with horse urine, wouldn't that be skunky?
Fealola I didn't know you compliled and published dictionaries. You must have something in common with William Safire.
Suggest you look to Lexicologist.
Equus Good game. BTW are you a stinkyologist lol
the bluffs are rolling in steadily. have bluffs from the following:
Diane /Felix Noir
I didnt say I compiled dictionarys. Cant yoo tel?

That's why I'm gloating about fooling Clary!