Showadiddydiddy - come along, roll up, pitch your bluffs for SHUBA to me!! Four received so far, for which thanks.
Welcome back to A2K, hiama, after too long an absence.
Aw Shucks Thanks John Boy
When prodigal sons return we give them a kiss.
Make it 5.I withdraw mine until CJ comes back.
I'll post all the bluffs I've received later today. Quality not quantity.
If the shuba fits, wear it.
1 Well done! an Urdu interjection
2 a smooth piece of hardwood about the size of a filter tip used in infibulation practices in primitive religious ceremonies
3 the spirtual leader of members of the Mesai tribe inhabiting the highlands of Kenya and Tanzania
4 special breathing apparatus worn by firemen in hazardous smoke conditions
5 a Russian fur coat, closed below the waist and with fastenings up to the neck
6 a stamp or die for marking or shaping metal with a hammer
7 the chief religious book of the Rastafarian religion
8 a purification ritual for Hasidic Jew rabbis
9 an Aramaic word for a person of doubtful character
Man, those are good! I shall ponder, but can I choose correctly?!
Seems to be a lott religion or African ideas flying around. Hmmm. I like 5, I think it's offbeat enough.
I think it is either 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8 or 9; but I will go for #5.
Sorry, Clary.
Okay, going with the herd, #5. Moo.
Let me join the others in going for #5.
I missed giving a bluff on this one, sorry everyone.
I was left out in the cold.
I will bundle up and say # 5
I think it is almost certainly 5 so I'll go for 1
Thanks for that generosity of spirit hiama!
Still hoping for some more votes...