Ah. Been there.(Ontario). It's just across the state to Detroit & through the tunnel! Haven't been since I was a kid though.
Back to concatenate. George and I are sitting this one out, right?
Can't you make one up to give us a laugh.We won't think your dumb for not knowing what concatenate means.Everybody knows that.Not like kinnikinnic is it?
well, ok, but I don't think I ever found out what kinnikinnic was; again, it's a different game... what does jtf think??? Dasher's Prerogative
Well-I defined it as no word has ever been defined in a dictionary.Just for you.And you missed it!!!!!
that sort of essay?
was it real?
Do I have time to read it?
That's the one.I abbreviated it quite a lot.Just think of all the other mush you have read since then and you hadn't time for a minor work of art.Free too.
I know but my attention span is lamentably small. I'll save it for a rainy day.
You think I have 3 minutes?
ok, I'm working on it.......maybe tomorrow I'll come up with something.............
hi everybody. Yippee!!!! I've finished my writing projects for the rest of the Summer!!!!! yay, say hey..........now if I can just finish cleaning this extra dirty house....
working on a definition...........hummmm
I have received all the bluffs here they are Please vote early and often!
1: In Urban Design, a layout of streets consisting of a center circle (typically a park, surrounded by concentric circles of streets at regular intervals. The circles are bisected by streets spoking out from the edge of the inner circle. The result is the creation of blocks that are irregular in shape and size.
2: To attach together, to join or link.
3: To cut rough logs into usable lumber.
4: A verb used in official regulations to designate the actions of can-can dancers when they seek to encourage the audience to throw money onto the stage.It usually only applies to encores.
5: with feline grace
Mine isn't there.I was first to post too.I'm absolutely unutterably disgusted.
spendius wrote:Mine isn't there.I was first to post too.I'm absolutely unutterably disgusted.
I am sorry, I missed your entry, please forgive me.
No.I'm sorry.I'm a bit pissed.It is there.I grovel.
No 2.
Ah, I missed getting in a bluff, but I'll vote for #1.
Felix Noir is out sunning and can't be bothered to vote, especially since Stardust seems to be missing.
Well we can't be bothered whether FN can't be bothered to vote.
Diane wrote:Ah, I missed getting in a bluff, but I'll vote for #1.
Felix Noir is out sunning and can't be bothered to vote, especially since Stardust seems to be missing.
Stardust found the word cause it has CAT in it. she likes most words with CAT in it except CATATONIC