Why thank you...
#5 is quite tempting, but I will go with #3...please put me down for the creature!
Good evening. I'm wearing my tuxedo tonight to celebrate the end of this round of Balderdash. Or, I could be sitting here in front of my computer totally naked. I reckon that's what makes the internet mysteriously interesting.
Thank yall for playing in this round. I was fearful that this silly game was in danger of withering away so I decided to make a push to get participation back up to where it used to be before the A2K problems.
I know that I nagged, groveled and pimped to the point of aggravation. Sorry about that (not really).
I'm prone towards tenacity.
The word was OLIGOTOKOUS and the correct definition was #3 (creature laying four or fewer eggs). Firstthought, biblio, webethmd, cav, justhefax and jameson guessed correctly.
Clary's #2 (excess oil) attracted diane
Ehbeth's #5 (buttocks) appealed to littlek and cheshire
Equus' #6 (obsure word) amused clary and pan
Felix's #7 (bad cat) got taffy and stardust excited
George's #9 (wealth) caught jespah
Jespah's #10 (elitist) took in george and equus
Taffy's #17 (species reduction) made sense to Felix
Webethmd #18 (miniscule amount) made sense to Lola.
Bluffs getting no votes included cav's #1 (octopus), diane's #4 (wolves), first thought's cryptic #8 (few grains), johnboy's #11 (control loss), jthefax's #12 (earthworms), littlek's #13 (Greek leader), lola's #14 (relish), pan's #15 (cheapskate) and slingo's #16 (miniature tree).
According to my tally sheet, including this round and the last, justthefax has 6 points followed by, with 3 each, clary, jameson, equus and webeth.
At 2 each are littlek, firstthought, biblio, cav, ehbeth, jespah and felix. And at 1 are george and taffy.
The rest of us (johnboy sighs deeply) are stuck on 0.
Please don't be bashful about telling me about errors or omissions.
Again, thank yall for your patience in putting up with me. I hope that the next Dasher can build on what we have done in this round.
Good night, it's time to put this puppy to sleep.
Dammit!! Felix Noir is in the lead as usual, much to my chagrin.
RJB, you are magnificent, sitting there in front of your computer in your birthday suit (which is how I prefer to think of you).
You deserve a medal for valor above and beyond the call of duty. It is so nice to have more people playing the game--it does add interest.
So......who is the new Dasher? What's the new word, c'mon, I wanna play again...LOL!
So, where would you pin a medal on a nekkid RJB?
Good work dashing RJB - maybe we'll just hang a medal around your neck!
Alas, imagining RJB naked but pointless...
Jameson, why don't you dash this time?
I think RJB should sell his business and devote himself to Bald. and the football pool full time.
Nooooooooooo.....it's only my 2nd game.......I would probably screw something up....LOL....thanks, but maybe next time!
You see, what did I tell you? I never make any points at this game...........thanks RJB, you're so cute in your sailor suit!
I can't be dasher this time. I should be writing my article instead of roaming around a2k as I do......
maybe next time. who will volunteer?
Quote:Ehbeth's buttocks appealed to littlek and cheshire
i'll be laughin' for a week!
Why do you laugh? Littlek and cheshire have excellent taste. I'm sure Setanta would agree wholeheartedly!
no takers?
The next word is B O K O [/color][/size]
hooray - the first bluff has been received!
way to go, bluffer #1.
and a second boko-ized bluff is in. Thanks!
and a third BOKO bluff is in!
Thanks, bluffers
Let's get a few more of those into my mailbox!
Hi ehBeth, could you please PM me...I have yet to reach the "PM privilege requirements" and I'd like to send in my bluff...Thanks!