i fell asleep so i didn't manage to get these up last night
here we go!
1. Any of the subdivisions of the Avesta, the holy scripture of the Zoroastrians.
2. A Jewish cheese.
3. A brief loincloth worn by men of the Lango tribe of the upper Nile.
4. Beautiful girl.
5. A mysterious snow creature of humanoid stature and Jewish persuasion.
6. A lengthy blessing rite that takes place in a Zoroastrian church.
7. A light-weight, coarsely-woven braid, mostly woven by machinery.
8. Exclamation of annoyance (yiddish). Derived from "You there!"
9. Yoda's dumber cousin, who never mastered the force.
10. A sash worn to indicate a warrior's position in the rank.
11. The Name of one of Cloepatra's cats.
12. Moorish architectural style marked by ornate geometric designs, arches, and tiles.
13. Yogi Bear's little sister.
14. Jedi equivalent of "Gilligan." Young Yedda often accidentally bungle things up, and serve as unwitting comic relief at Jedi Parties.
15. A tropical plant.
16. A Japanese tea garden plant with delicate white and purple flowers.
Get ready, set, go !