Quote:You know big W....may I call you big W?
You certainly may!

After pumping iron at a health club for five years spending a small fortune on personal trainers, I'm
finally beginning to look husky!

(If only I hadn't had a chronic sleep disorder for all this time!

I would have made even more progress.)
My user name came about by accident.
My mom used to cal me panza de cervaza which means "BEER BELLY" in Spanish....so I shortened it to Panzade and it stuck.
That's interesting.

The sound of "Panzade" has always reminded me of "lemonade"; so, I'd get a humorous feeling whenever I read it. But as you've just indicated, there's no connection with the bitter fruit. It's still interesting.
Now tell us how you got your name.
Well, okay; but you're going to be disappointed.

It's merely an abbreviation of my whole name.

Talk about a lack of imagination! Since I registered to become a member in the spring of 2009, I've come across some
great usernames here at A2K and elsewhere. I chose my current username at a time when I was anxious to start posting and was a bit upset by a particular post in a particular topic. Well, I was anxious because I had just started posting messages at websites the month before; so, I didn't really know what I should expect and how to conduct myself. Remember my misadventures in the "Welcome Sports Haters" thread? I was unprepared because, as I just said, I was agitated. So, I plowed ahead with no sense of etiquette, which is quite unlike me in real life. (I had some truthful observations to make, but I got off to a really bad start.) Anyway, that's history.
Sorry the story of my username's derivation is not more enthralling. Recently I had considered starting a new account with a new, more imaginative username; but I decided to stay with this one. I'll eventually change the avatar, though. It's become a bit stale, and now even I think it's stupid.

Perhaps a picture of August Derleth

or Robert Bloch

would be a nice change.
My last post for the evening

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